Um... huh.
Fembot costume includes smoking nipples - Hack a Day
The greatest of Halloween costumes start with an idea, but they’ve also got to have strong execution to pull the whole thing off. This year [Johanna Jenkins] decided to put together a Fembot Halloween costume which is a wonderful example of this concept. Going as a Fembot from Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery sounds like a lot of fun right off the bat, but a bit of work at the sewing machine and access to a wig shop in Hollywood really brought it to the next level. But [Johanna] didn’t stop at that. The Fembots have machine guns in their bras. After they’ve torn through all of their ammo they’re left with smoking barrels as nipples, and that final touch even made it into the costume. In the video after the break you can see [Johanna] showing off the small battery operated fog system she piped into the costume bra.
I am impressed.
wow Jessica - 4 hours is ROUGH. glad you got in ok though.
Yikes, Jessica. It must be weird.
So Jessica, you essentially got to the office just in time for lunch, right?
Oh hush. people are just trying to throw you off their scent.
I can be mysterious and unknowable if I want to!
Okay, so I did finally check my mail on the way out to lunch, and wahoo! I am totally a puddle of fangirl right now. And I don't have anyone in meatspace to show it to and wibble...
Definite yay-worthy!
I found a picture of my aunts house on the Shore - taken from the air. I can confirm they still had a roof and a garage, though some neighbors aren't as lucky. Also a couple blocks away appears to have burned!
Huh. Yeah, I got the email on Monday.
Me too! Or over the weekend, but my computer is fritzy.
Noah and Grace's school had a 60 minute halloween parade, followed by an assembly and then a party.
Damn. I meant to go donate blood but that looks less and less likely.