It just started raining here in CT. It's not that heavy, mostly just appears to be bad because the wind is whipping it against the windows.
Work is closed today, but I'm checking email and had to send a small nastygram (it's actually not that nasty, but the sentiment behind it is VERY nasty)
One of my internal clients needed me to do something, but couldn't provide the info to make it easy, so I needed to write something new. When I write something new, I like to run it by my boss or a colleague. I told her that I should have it by the end of the week (week before last), but some other stuff came up and I didn't get to it (BTW, this does not need to be done until the end of the year). She sends me this email on Wednesday saying that she had told the customer that it would be done, and "what do I need to do to make sure that we don't have a credibility issue in the future".
I said Bitch, please! I emailed her back saying that basically that if she had done what she was supposed to do, this would have been done, the document was being reviewed, and that I HOPED to have something this Monday or Tuesday and if she was concerned about credibility, she shouldn't share that with the customer.
This bitch responded with "I have told the customer that they will have it by the end of the week". ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
My response- I am confused as to why you gave the customer a deadline when I did not give you one. I will forward the document when it's completed.
She clearly does not know you well....
Starting to get scary sounding gusts...
Weather report: barely rainy, a little windy in Cambridge, MA.
Burrito report: Delicious.
Posting from DC ...
Friday I got fed up with the pre-Frankenstorm hysteria and sent a friend (located centrally) an email with the subject "the sky is falling! the sky is falling!"
All this hysteria and advance warning and Saturday morning I went to the grocery, the bottled water was pretty much gone and a lot of non-perishables were gone. People were pushing and shoving, alternatively parking carts in the middle of aisles so they could call home and ask about which kind of chips to get. I was so disgusted that I went home and stayed in all day. In the drug store Sunday a guy was wandering the aisles disconsately asking for flashlights. Never mind that this area almost never loses power - all the power lines are underground.
Meanwhile, everything's closed, including transit, so I'm restricted to where in can walk in the rain ... which means staying inside until cabin fever sets in.
Bah! people!
Stay safe, people!
And dry. And hydrated and fed. And entertained. And with working internets.
The wind is really starting to pick up here.
Yeah, I don't see HMC being 2nd worst of all time, come on. Proximity to other campuses alone should keep it off that list.
That's a good point. Though maybe in contrast to prettier campuses nearby it seems worse?
yeah there is a lot of construction going on right now. there are some newish buildings there when I went near there last.