None of the other companies complied with the rule, and we didn't get the job, because all the other firms used appendices, and our proposal looked like we hadn't taken it seriously. ::facepalm::
Generally, I like having space limitations because it helps me keep people focused and gives me a way to fight back against the pages and pages of BS that some folks want to include. But there has to be some level of reasonableness - when they ask a complex question and give you 500 characters, it's just pointless.
(This post would not fit within that limit, for example.)
None of the other companies complied with the rule, and we didn't get the job, because all the other firms used appendices, and our proposal looked like we hadn't taken it seriously. ::facepalm::
But there has to be some level of reasonableness - when they ask a complex question and give you 500 characters, it's just pointless.
Oh yeah, that's a favorite of mine, too.
Darby and I are now headed out trick or treating. All the neighborhood businesses (like 20+ stores and restaurants) are participating, as a benefit for a rescue group. Should be fun!
She was going to be a triceratops but I think having something on her head for long will be upsetting, so instead we are resurrecting the landshark.
Man, the things this dog puts up with.
that sounds like a lot of fun.
what are you dressed up as?
my bombshell costume is almost done. Now I need to find the wig.
Bad: I am sneezing like a mofo.
Good: Replacement electric blanket! I can now face winter.
Oh Frank, so sad. I'm so sorry.