OH MY GOD. The tasks that were supposed to be done by 3 are still running. We are so behind. We were supposed to just have had our "Whee! Complete!" call. Instead it was a "check back in an hour..." call.
ER is going to be late today, and will therefore probably involve a lot of wait. ::sigh::
Frank, my thoughts with you and your family.
"Oh yeah? I'm Rainbow Bright and I'm gonna kick your ass!"
Thanks, Amy, Lee, and JZ!
TJs time. Wish me...non-armageddon.
I think it's a little crazy that the clouds here are already Sandy. But it's not supposed to rain until tomorrow.
No rain, but it’s pretty windy here already.
It is already? Raining in western ny, so possibly this rain is not Sandy related and I don't need to worry about the flooding that happened in the 1970s?
There's a front coming east from Ohio (we had rain Friday and Saturday morning) that's going to meet up with Sandy and combine to form the Frankenstorm. So that's probably what you have in western NY.
Thanks flea. I was trying to look it up on weather.com, but it was sort of all hurricane all the time. I am also really confused, because it looks like the big hurricane in my area happened the year before I was born. I totally remember rains and flooding and everyone standing in deep water on the street while the firemen pumped our cellars out. Which is actually pretty ineffective with a dirt cellar
I just read beep me. My thought are with you, Frank