I decided that it would be simplest if I voted by mail, and wondered if it was too late to get that process started. I found the form, printed it, filled it out, envelope sealed and addressed, and then for shit and giggles clicked on the link below the mailing address, and when it told me to enter my name and some other info it told me I'd registered to vote by mail in August and have had the papers a couple weeks.
So I checked the October pile, and there was my mail in ballot.
No memory, guiz. I have no clue when that happened. But it's my full name on the mail in envelope, so...
I *never* do things ahead of the last, desperate minute.
Well, other than renew the tags on my car this year. Can I truly madly deeply get that gold star (maybe there should be gold star code in, and your name will look like this:
- Oct 27, 2012 9:14:23 am PDT #
of 27243
And when a magically determined number of people have starred you, a gold star appears next to your name for five days.
Yeah, that would be cool.) that I managed to lose my renewal papers, and have nothing other than a vague memory of November, and actually called the DMV and got the exact deadline and instructions on how to renew without the papers (didn't know if I had enough info without it to do so online, but easy peasy--license plate and VIN) and then renewed my registration a tad early.
Your family sounds like a mess, ita!
I swear. I told sis that I might feel like too much crap to call this weekend, but to send my vibes to the 'rents anyway. We'll see how Sunday goes. Maybe I can call them then, or maybe I'll be asleep/unconscious/spoonless/comatose after the results of the deployments which is giving me period mini anxiety attacks.
I love the gold star idea.
Will we be able to star ourselves though?
Crappity. My tags are expired. I totally forgot. Now I have to figure out what my stupidity tax is on to of the reg fee. Not like the actually fee is that much. Why, oh, why didn't I pay it when I first got the notice. Thank you, Buffistas. Thank you.
Will we be able to star ourselves though?
Absolutely not.
Heh. I'm not suggesting it, like, for real, but I am going to think about how I would implement it. Hmm. What would the magic star number be? 7? Or is that too big?
I have to figure out what my stupidity tax is on to of the reg fee
That is *so* entirely me most years. Completely inexcusable (not ragging on you, just talking on me and the process), because the warning comes with plenty of time, and I could write the check and have the addressed envelope ready to go, or pay online--I have nothing to blame other than my inattention to mail. Which is massive. I've switched most of my bills to online. I think medical is the only category that I have to open up envelopes for that comes more than once a year. And it shows, damn, it shows.
And when a magically determined number of people have starred you, a gold star appears next to your name for five days.
OK, Denton....
I did a little bit of shopping and went for an accidentally long walk. I went by Trader Joe's, but hadn't thought at all about what to buy, so didn't. It is lovely out! Also I went to the taqueria around the corner for the first time, which was an excellent call.
I went to Old Navy to see some of the dresses they have on sale and ended up buying several of them on the theory that I can dress them up for work with jewelry and shoes. Plus they are cheap.
Now I am at the half price sushi place to eat a lot of sushi.
I did my 5K in the rain, and now my soaking shoes are hopefully drying, and I'm trying to work up the energy to get something else done.
...notably, it is no longer pouring outside. Grr.
Things I should do: clean my room, do laundry, decide what clothes to give to Goodwill. Clean the kitchen. Sew a dress.
Things I am doing: clearing off the TiVo.
....And running a 5K in the rain!!! I think you've earned some down time. I'm ready for a nap, and I the most strenuous thing I've done today is get brunch.
I pay a literal stupidity tax almost every year because I forget to pay my property taxes. This year I remembered, and actually paid in advance. I need to set up calendar reminders.
After running a 5k, I think you have the rest of the weekend off for recuperation. Me, I'm at work and voting, simultaneously. Oregon is so civilized.