I hope to early vote today, but it depends on how early mac gets up and if will remain calm about being home alone for a time.
No one is getting within touching distance, but no hissing or barking at all.
Bailey did better last night, no barking or baying, only whining for about an hour. Then again at 2:30 at which point I let her out to see if peeing was needed. Then both of us were up at 6:30 and she did her business and now resting beside me on the couch.
I am looking forward to meeting her!
I'll be voting today too, hopefully.
Time to market.
So, I seem to have hurt my foot when running up the stairs at 2:30 am to check on the sicko (who is much better.) It's really, really sore in the middle part of the foot, on top, even when I am sitting still. I don't think I twisted it or anything; it didn't hurt at the time, and it wasn't until I woke up this morning that it started hurting. What should I do?
I should check to see if MA has early voting -- it occurred to me that if I do indeed "take off" a week in November to deal with Mom's apartment in PA, I would have to schedule it around Election Day. Because while Obama is a lead-pipe cinch for MA, there are other races that aren't.
At this point it would take video footage of Elizabeth Warren vivisecting her (adorable) old dog to dissuade me from voting for her. So I don't think I have to worry that something would come up that would change my mind.
I have no idea what you should do, flea, but that doesn't sound good! If you can walk on it, I guess I'd wait to do anything, but that's generally my answer with health things.....
flea, is it swollen? I feel like RICE is always a pretty good way to go - you're not going to hurt anything with that regimen. I know the rest part would be tricky, but it's also probably the most important.
'Suela, that is the pumpkin bread recipe I used a couple of days ago! DELICIOUS! I have one loaf left.
We had six kids spend the night last night. More are coming today for a Halloween party.
Called home last night to find out that the ick my father has seems to have spread to my mother and sister, so they're all down for the count. My father's
down, but my sister is still getting around, although she's currently doing to on a pair of crutches. Our helper is on leave, but they're thinking of asking her to come back, just because everyone's so fucked up. They have water and gas and telephone, but no power still.
In the spirit of "fuck you, day" I offer this [link] to androphiles.
Oh, ita, that's very pretty.