Now they are saying he may have turned himself in. They are pulling all kinds of stuff out of his house and they have already taken his Jeep.
Beyond the basic horror of the whole situation, my brain keeps going to CJ and the rest of the search and rescue team - they are all in the 15 - 18 age range. Trying to picture a kid their age doing this just blows my brain circuits.
I'm afraid this may herald fainting.
Weirdly, that has not occurred me. Because it doesn't feel like the fainty periods I had a few years ago. But I am irritated that it doesn't seem to be linked clearly to meds--last time this happened it was pretty clearly that, and stopped when I dialled down the dosages or spaced it out more.
Suzi--I cannot Sometimes I feel like adults might have a "reason" for horrible things, but kids have got to be broken. Wired wrong, or broken by force.
Oh Suzi, that's so horrible.
I hope this means the murderer will be in prison for life.
In lighter thoughts
Pew! Pew! Take *that*, Mars!
t Martian town hall
"Mayor, what are you doing about that thing shooting up our sand gardens!"
"Do you know how long I worked on that arrangement? It's driving all over it!"
ita, not to sound crazy, but double vision sounds like something to bring up with a doctor.
Nice one.
I don't want to read about TB any more, you guys. But I haven't done my work about it yet! wah wah wah.
In the past, I've developed double vision during periods of stress, particularly stress and exhaustion.
In the past, I've developed double vision during periods of stress, particularly stress and exhaustion.
Same here. But I recommend that you don't follow my example and just hope it goes away, because I've been told that's not the greatest of plans.
ION, let me vent about a petty thing! Is it unreasonable of me to think that if someone is good enough friends with me to repeatedly ask if I'm free for lunch, they should know me well enough to also be aware that asking if I have any free time to just, y'know, hang out THE WEEKEND BEFORE HALLOWEEN is kind of pointless?
Like I said, petty. But good lord, people living on the moon know that Halloween weekend is the busiest time of the year for Goths!