Also - today is the first day of Rolex!
I started to echo that ! and then realized that my Rolex is in January and has cars racing for 24 hours. It's that kind of reading comprehension failure day.
That seems odd. Nova seems to be a reliable, scientific-based exploration of the world, and the Kochs seem to be the opposite of reliable and science-based.
I have the biggest cognitive dissonance when I watch Nova programs and their names pop up. I mean, I think they are terrible and yet they help sponsor a show that I really like and has taught me a lot over the years. The twelve-year-old in me that hates their politics mutters, "you mean, cocks" when it comes on nearly every time.
Anyway, the same group is doing a rifle marksmanship event this Sunday in Phoenix, and it's free! Only it starts at 9, four and a half hours away from me. And I would have to call to register, like today probably.
Go to Phoenix. I miss it. I have no logic behind my vote. Just I miss it and have no reason to really vist there.