Oh and I was going to say:
At least a diagnosis is validating?
Yes and no, only because I went in to the first doctor basically saying "hmm, think my viral cold turned into a bad cough that won't go away, what can I do?" And he was kinda dismissive, suggesting OTC cough syrup. annoying. I much prefer my PCP.
What did your PCP suggest? I'm in week 6 of a cough that won't quit.
I loved just sitting down and asking for "una rioja" and drinking whatever they gave me, it was all good.
Oh yeah. I don't even have to try to pretend to keep my wines straight.
Well, I slept in. 10 minutes?
And he was kinda dismissive, suggesting OTC cough syrup. annoying.
This ranks up with doctors who suggest Advil or somesuch for pain. Seriously, dude, if I am coming to you and complaining of the pain? That is clearly not cutting it. I'd feel less insulted if they'd ask if I'd tried it already and if it'd worked and moved the conversation from there.
That is clearly not cutting it.
Right? I felt like my presence in the doctor's office should have indicated that I thought this had progressed beyond "a cold."
Suzi, she prescribed Advair 2X a day, Tessalon pearls 3X a day as needed, and Claritin (she wrote down the generic, but I can never remember it--lortadine?). Seems like she's throwing everything at it at once, but at this point I just want it gone, so I'm good with that.
What's a good gin, bearing in mind I really only like it in gimlets?
Hendricks is very tasty, and not a typical gin. But gins vary quite a lot in flavor. I think it'd be a good fit for a lime cordial.
My favorite gin is probably 209.
Advair is pretty impressive with helping stressed out lungs, IME.
That's what I'm hoping for, Cass.
have people here posted about mybodygallery? real women post pics of themselves with measurements - most with blacked out faces. it seems the goal is to give people a better idea of what their bodies really look like. objective.