I have an appointment this afternoon with my hemotologist. He just called and said I could come in earlier and he would make sure I got some iron today. I knew my numbers were low, but I'm guessing they are scary low. I'm trying to finish up some work before I head out.
I guess the point of sharing is that despite all the crazyness of the health care system, I have a doc going out of his way to help me. Tis appreciated.
That is good to hear, Suzi. I hope the iron helps!
In random news, I get emails from OK Cupid when I have a message on there, but they don't include the full message. The one I just got opens:
Hi, I'm a married Boston lawyer, early 60's. Are you open to being the friend and lover of an older...
Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say no.
Sometimes they make it easy, don't they?
~ma to you, lisah. And iron~ma to you, Suzi. I'm glad you have a doctor who looks out for you.
Hey all. I'm still pregnant, in case you were wondering.
Hi, I'm a married Boston lawyer, early 60's. Are you open to being the friend and lover of an older...
But what if it continues as: ...man's single, hot, and highly successful son ?
That would change everything! FTR, I am not automatically opposed to being the friend and lover of an older lawyer, but the married bit kind of puts me off. To say the least.
please read the whole message. I'm dying here.
I can't log on from here, so it won't be until tonight.