Hasn't Denny's been sued over their racist policies more than once?
Yup, and for a while I used to carry the little strip from the bottom of their menu that said they weren't racist anymore, honest, into restaurants with me to make sure I got seated. (I went to Dennys a lot even though I knew they were racist, because I was working at the theater and they would serve me food at 3 am after the bars had closed.)
In Glendale, I also got seated hidden way at the back of the restaurant, but I'm pretty sure that was because of my Blackhawks hat, and not because of my race!
My favorite part of the incidental racism was when the manager walked into the kitchen, and I thought was going to confront the employees, but no, the waitress just said to him, "Ah-so, that's Japanese!" and he laughed. Way to go, management!
Lifehacker has put up an article about how to access gmail when gmail.com is down: [link]
So I had a great trip to Phoenix, but on the way crossed through some very rural country, wherein I stopped at a Dennys (why is it I have had more racist experiences in Dennys than anywhere else?) for breakfast. As soon as my waitress seated me and walked back to the (open) kitchen, a chorus of "Ah-so"'s erupted. So awesome. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.
I do believe Chuck D. had something to say on this matter: By The Time I Get To Arizona.
To give Denny's faint credit, our local stores object more to the punkers that show up at 2 AM than the color of the skin.
edit: and we're the third largest town in Utah with a few largish colleges.
a chorus of "Ah-so"'s erupted. So awesome. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.
Are these people five years old, in addition to being rascist? WTF?
As soon as my waitress seated me and walked back to the (open) kitchen, a chorus of "Ah-so"'s erupted. So awesome.
Jesus, Liese. That's just... WTF.
It's amazing to hear that, given that the bulk of the GOP's leadership is claiming that there is no such thing as racism anymore, or if there is, it's racism against white people.
People suck.
In other news, I did give blood. Doesn't that mean I'm done for the day?
Here's something I wasn't expecting:
PROGRESSIVE VICTORY: ALEC Ends Its Guns And Voter Suppression Task Force
In the face of mounting pressure from progressive activists and its own corporate sponsors, the American Legislative Exchange Council, a right-wing group funded by corporations like ExxonMobil and Koch Industries, announced today that it will shut down a task force that deals with “non-economic issues,” like voter suppression efforts and “stand your ground” gun laws. ALEC came under intense scrutiny over the past few weeks after progressive groups like Color of Change began pressuring corporations that fund ALEC to drop their support. The Center for American Progress also released a report highlighting the right-wing group’s role in pushing voter suppression efforts around the country. As a result, 10 companies, including Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Kraft, have pulled out from ALEC.
I do believe Chuck D. had something to say on this matter: By The Time I Get To Arizona.
As you could probably imagine, I only learned about the song "By the Time I Get to Phoenix" recently.
I would also continue to recommend Yo, Is This Racist for the combination of the sometimes-upsetting evidence of how much racism there really still is, and also the confirmation that other people are fighting the good fight, too.
Oh, goodie, there's a protest today. Which seems kind of shitty to do on a day when there's big lines for people filing their taxes. Bah.
It's amazing to hear that, given that the bulk of the GOP's leadership is claiming that there is no such thing as racism anymore, or if there is, it's racism against white people.
It's true! Rich middle-aged Christian heterosexual white guys are the only people left who have to deal with prejudice and bigotry! A bunch of rich middle-aged Christian heterosexual white guys told me so!