Gmail is down for a major shitton of people, from what I can tell from my twitter feed.
Given that today's to-do list looks like:
- updates from client (document in gmail)
- sort out photo licensing drama with client (in gmail)
- respond to interview thingie that pains me a lot but will bring excellent publicity (questions in gmail)
- proposal for new lead (rfp is in gmail)
- while offline, sort through list of crap needed for refi (but the list of what I need is ... yeah)
I'm calling it an uplanned vacation day? So yay?
Jessica, ugh. That's giving me shitty co-worker flashbacks (I filed too loudly, blew my nose too loudly, sniffled too loudly when I didn't blow my nose, ate tortilla chips too loudly, sneezed too loudly, breathed too loudly, and was racist against white people because I mentioned that McCain's demeanor during one of the presidential debates reminded me of my grandfather after one of his minor strokes).
I'm vibing very, very hard for your officemate and my ex-co-worker to somehow find themselves trapped in an elevator together during a blackout. The inevitable result will leave all the rest of us better off, though the cleanup afterward will likely be a little messy.
Gmail's down for me, too. Shit.
Happy birthday, Sheryl!
Sorry about the asshole of a coworker, Jess.
It's back! For now! Whee!
Try the Singulair allergy sufferers!
Hmmm, I will ask my doc about this. Because I remembered that I probably should check with her before adding Yet Another Med to my rattling pharmacopia.
My internet is very hinky right now. I think it is trying to prevent me from bitching about incidental racism, which I was going to do in lj, but can't. So lucky you.
So I had a great trip to Phoenix, but on the way crossed through some very rural country, wherein I stopped at a Dennys (why is it I have had more racist experiences in Dennys than anywhere else?) for breakfast. As soon as my waitress seated me and walked back to the (open) kitchen, a chorus of "Ah-so"'s erupted. So awesome. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.
Later on, they also made racist anti-Hispanic jokes, so I guess I was in good company.
I should look into some allergy meds. I've been choking on air. I coughed so much during karate yesterday that I had to drop out of class. Just couldn't breathe.
Now that I know my iron levels are messed up right now, the headaches and nap attacks make sense.
Ugh, Liese.
And ugh to all the allergy sufferers. (Can you all just go away now? KIDDING.) What a tool your coworker is, Jess.