"no one works harder than a stay at home Mom" which is insulting to woman who work outside the home AND take care of kids
I don't understand what the point is in even trying to compare SAHMs and mothers who work outside the home. Trying to compare who works "harder" only creates a division that, I have no doubt, politicians will exploit.
I think BOTH groups work their asses off. That's as much of a judgment as I'm willing to make.
I think many people work their asses off. However, a women with a couple of Cadillacs and an indeterminate number of horses doesn't have to.
I think of her as around 40
Yeah, I getcha (although I think of GA as, I dunno, 28. Cursed X-files, burning yourselves into my visual memory!!)
I definitely have a mental Hollywood-Havisham who's about 80, which doesn't come from the text at all.
Wait, Gillian Anderson is old enough to play Miss Havisham?
She does have white hair in the role, which makes her hard to pin down, age-wise.
But, depending on how old she was when she was engaged and how long after she was...disappointed she decided to adopt Estella, she could be late thirties/early forties at the start of the story pretty easily, I think.
But also this. Spinsters were young! And also old, obviously.
However, a women with a couple of Cadillacs and an indeterminate number of horses doesn't have to.
I wasn't talking about Anne Romney, and I guess I should have made that clearer, though I did assume most people wouldn't think I was rushing to her defense.
I meant the average SAHM, the one without a staff at her disposal, works her ass off. And the average mother who works outside the home also works her ass off.
It seems like stating that one of those groups works harder than the other could have a divide-and-conquer effect, which seems like political gamesmanship.
Ok, Gillian Anderson has small sons named Oscar and Felix. It's like The Odd Couple in her house, except with 5 and 3 year olds! (Seriously?!)
Oscar and Felix
Oh, that's hella cute. Oscar and Felix indeed.
I meant the average SAHM, the one without a staff at her disposal, works her ass off. And the average mother who works outside the home also works her ass off.
It seems like stating that one of those groups works harder than the other could have a divide-and-conquer effect, which seems like political gamesmanship.
I do wish we could focus on the class warfare....
I do wish we could focus on the class warfare
Yeah, Jessica's line about Ann Romney not knowing how many horses she owns is pretty killer.
Oh, wait, you mean how the GOP is engaged in class warfare? Yeah, that too. Erm.