Cordelia: I get it now. You're all spies. Probably all Russian. And you've brainwashed me, and want me to believe we're friends so I'll spill the beans about some nano-technology thingy that you want. Gunn: So I look Russian to you? Cordelia: Black Russian. Angel: That's a drink.

'Hell Bound'

Goodbye and Good Riddance 2011: Maybe the even years are better  

Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. 2011? Room for improvement. Srsly.

Steph L. - Jan 01, 2012 10:30:36 am PST #317 of 408
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Trio was a pitt bull who was found as a puppy crawling down a hallway in Cabrini Green. She had been a bait dog in a fight and her hind leg was bitten off.

Man, every time I read things like this, I run and hug Kato. He likes being hugged about as much as I do (we have photographic documentation of Tim hugging Kato and Kato leaning as far away from Tim as he can while still having Tim's arms around him), but he tolerates it. And then I scritch his belly and he's happy.

Seriously, whenever I hear about animal abuse, all I want to do is hug my dog. It kills me.

brenda m - Jan 01, 2012 10:31:55 am PST #318 of 408
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

Hah! That's Darby's view on hugging too.

Steph L. - Jan 01, 2012 10:36:19 am PST #319 of 408
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

I didn't totally realize Kato leaned so far away from hugs until I took the picture, and then it just made me laugh and laugh.

OTOH, he will come over and sit with his back to us, which means "It ain't gonna pet itself," and if we don't pet him, he'll scootch closer and closer, incrementally, until he's sitting on our feet and leaning his full weight against our legs. "Pet me or you will never regain circulation in your feet, human!"

And occasionally he'll walk over to us, fart, and walk away. ISTG, that's what he does. How did he learn that???

billytea - Jan 01, 2012 1:05:47 pm PST #320 of 408
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.

And occasionally he'll walk over to us, fart, and walk away. ISTG, that's what he does. How did he learn that???

When you're out of the house, he's watching The World According to Jim marathons.

Theodosia - Jan 01, 2012 2:07:29 pm PST #321 of 408
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

I've mentioned before how Spare Cat has a "hand over the cuddles and no one gets hurt" attitude, right? She will nip at you -- not too softly -- if you're not properly attentive.

Zenkitty - Jan 01, 2012 2:19:25 pm PST #322 of 408
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

Percy the Emo Cat will pat my arm or leg softly when he wants attention. If I don't respond, the pats become more insistent until finally the claws come out. He's got me trained.

SailAweigh - Jan 01, 2012 2:45:02 pm PST #323 of 408
Nana korobi, ya oki. (Fall down seven times, stand up eight.) ~Yuzuru Hanyu/Japanese proverb

I've got a cat that uses his head, he butts me with it constantly. If I don't give him sufficient scritches, it's more head-butts for me until he's satisfied.

Liese S. - Jan 02, 2012 5:58:49 am PST #324 of 408
"Faded like the lilac, he thought."

So since both the Rose Bowl Parade and the Winter Classic were pushed to today I'm going to go with my current belief that today is actually the first and do my wrap-up.

It was a very difficult year for me. There was adultery and sex abuse at my church. About six of my closest friends and coworkers moved away, including my band leader, so I quit my band. A wildfire consumed much of my state. My husband was sick and had a root canal. My dog had allergies, dental work, and a torn muscle in his leg. We had financial and work problems. Family health continues to decline.

We had great shows, lots of fun hobby stuff like the telescope, social justice stuff, lots of good kid stuff for work.

I lost my Auntie Mikie, my mentor Mike Girton, my friend Gary Rowe. I attended the one year memorial of my student's death.

And mostly I was consumed by the Tohoku earthquake and subsequent tsuanmi and nuclear disaster. I want to thank Buffistas who saw me through that time, and particularly Cass, who kept me sane while it was happening. I am really grateful.

I lost a good bit of the year to the resulting situational depression. But reflection reveals that there was lots of situation. Despite a terrible start, I believe this last part of the furlough has hit the reset button. So regardless, I am looking forward to the new year. Hope it's a good one for all of you.

erikaj - Jan 02, 2012 3:51:27 pm PST #325 of 408
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Every year, I always feel like *This* will be the one!" and it never really is.Even though it is nice having one of my stories in a book.I'd like to get more excited by life in 2012, although I feel fortunate that I was just a witness to most of the struggle, including my brother developing an auto-immune disorder I still can't spell...his treatment is going fairly well,although there are ups and downs.

meara - Jan 02, 2012 4:09:36 pm PST #326 of 408

I didn't want to recap my year until it was done...but really not much changed for me in 2011! Same house, same job. New projects at the job mean I'm traveling to different places, and it's been a bit of a road to get the new project going. New roommate, which is working out quite well. Worked out a bunch for six months, felt little different at the end of it, stopped doing it, shouldn't have.

But I'm hoping 2012 brings a new job, or magically better things at this one (taking away six days of vacation is NOT a great start!), some better moods, a return to the working out, and PLEASE a girl?! Or a root? :)