Marketed, shopped and just spent the past 2.5 hours doing yardwork. At least is is gorgeous out and now I'm all prepared for spending the rest of the fall raking leaves....
Think I'll go swim. And then start cleaning house. Uhg.
MUST call my dad today! It's his 70th. (We'll be actually celebrating it when he is out here in a couple weeks.)
I'm not doing shit! This is the curse of the three-day weekend: I feel like I have So Much Time! I should at least vacuum, maybe do some laundry.
I took Sudafed and I think I got stood up for lunch. I breathe better now but still feel like hell, so I don't much care that I am likely being stood up.
Uggg. I'm not moving from the couch unless absolutely necessary. Damned cramps.
Though I did go out earlier to pickup a Halloween costume for the youngest dojo baby. Old Navy has adorable costumes on sale and her mama asked if we could pick it up for her. I can't wait to see her dressed up as a strawberry.
I need a cabana boy to bring me chocolate.
I had to go to the pharmacy way on the other side of the Retirement Castle*, so I perambulated around the perimeter fence and got some much-needed exercise and fresh air. It's at least 2 miles worth of walking, so I feel all virtuous.
I need a quick opinion -- was last night's Supernatural good enough to try to see online, or can it wait until sometime next week when I'm home to the DVR?
* Not its real name
I'd say it was weaker than the first two, Theo, but I still liked it. And you might be interested in the guest star,
Jewel Staite.
This? So cute.
I'd say wait. Story felt weaker than the first two eps but shot really beautifully. My biggest vote for home comes from that it is often an ep you can't just listen to it and squint, you have to watch. So home if you can wait.
Also cute: Count Dogcula [link]
so question to you all: is it possible to be hungry and yet not have an appetite? Or are these two mutually exclusive states?
If I'm hungry for a long time I start feeling unwell and don't want to eat. Might be an adaptation.