Good, Maria. And continued good thoughts that trend continues.
extra bones
Spares! In case of loss or breakage! Someone was planning ahead.
Oh I hate when a feud (or a crush) believed to be camouflaged turns out to be...not so.
It's raining buckets. My tummy is unhappy for No Good Reason. An afternoon on the couch with the laptop and a cuppa is a good plan, yes?
Happy Birthday, aurelia!
Um, I have no costume. Boo! ?
IAmA guy whose bromance has turned into a gay relationship, yet neither of us admit it.
Some of the comments are fun.
OMG, the comments go on and on... and the original poster gives updates.
This cracked me up:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only true way to way to find out if there truly IS something there is by doing the "Volcano Test". What you do is take a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking soda. Pour the vinegar on to the baking soda. If he is too busy to see what happens because he is sucking your dick, there is DEFINITELY something going on there.
I have a small forest of bone spurs in my feet, but no actual extra bones that I know of. Mama, Perkins got the extra bones.
I have a small forest of bone spurs in my feet, but no actual extra bones that I know of. Mama, Perkins got the extra bones.
After reading tommyrot's link, I keep reading this as "extra boners".
tommy, you just made my sister's week. She will be thrilled. Perv.
Work is keeping me honest this week. It's kinda...weird.
Dude, it's supposed to snow in the northeast this weekend? Man, that bites.
Maria, very glad to hear it.
Not looking forward to snow in October.
that reddit thread is the business. Especially the Grease shout out. I had a fucked up week and that was right on.
that reddit thread is the business. Especially the Grease shout out. I had a fucked up week and that was right on.
What she said. Including the fucked up week.