Sigh. I am on the second of two looooong teleconferences that are going over time and sucking my will to live (and more importantly, my will to Get Shit Done, which I was all enthused about earlier today).
I can't get outlook to sync with my google calendar, so I am completely calendarless. ARGH.
Man, I just got a call from my counselor. I was supposed to be there, kind of nowish.
I am so glad it went well, Maria!
Happy Birthday Maria!
I spent over three hours at the podiatrist this morning for what was scheduled as a 15 minute appointment, but on the upside I found out I have extra bones in my foot.
Oops, sumi. I have done that exact thing. I hate that.
Oh, right, I keep forgetting to say...
Happy Birthday, aurelia!! I hope there is cake somewhere in your long day of work.
Maybe the extra bones give her superpowers.
Kinda what I am hoping to hear.
That or an enhanced appetite for sushi.
That or an enhanced appetite for sushi.
Oh my god, that's it!
Glad to hear it went well, Maria! Hang in there.