Gud - wow! Excellent news about the kids.
I accidentally rejoined Google+ this morning. I logged into google or so I thought - turns out it's as if I never left google+ but I found lots of Buffistas and added you to my circles. (I have a buffista circle now.)
How the heck do I find people to add on Google +?
Edit: Never mind...
Gud, it's so nice to see you! Fingers crossed about the job stuff.
I just started searching on first names.
How the heck do I find people to add on Google +?
When it comes to Facebook and Google+, I seem to be content to not know how to do stuff. In Google+, I mostly rely on its suggestions.
Anne - also, once you find people you know you can see who is in their circles and add those people (when you know them.)
Good luck with the job, Gud, and wow to Leif!
I'm going out of town until Tuesday, and I have the Good Stuff queue all filled up with Halloween stuff, so I hope nothing goes wrong!
The first meeting of the day featured shouting from everyone but me. (I was not yet caffeinated enough to care.) My supervisor threatening to pack all his toys and go home, and then one of my coworkers doing exactly that. I was just sitting there, thinking, "I just need to get to the end of the day. I am saying nothing."
I am so out of it today. I think I'm having my annual adjustment to the coming winter. Shorter days, colder temperatures...I'm ready to hibernate.
Tim is definitely a rock star.
Congrats to Leif, Gud, and job ~ma to you.
I'm glad I've been forewarned by y'all about the changes in the Mass. Next time I went to a wedding or a funeral I would've been completely weirded out.