There were literally flames.
Does my step-mom need to send you a fire extinguisher anonymously? She'll expect a thank you, but it's pretty hilarious.
I'm not the one that's sick, but I'm going through it just the same.
It's not happening to your body, but it's certainly happening to you.
It's not happening to your body, but it's certainly happening to you.
That's such an excellent way to put it.
I'm not a big fan of god, myself, but I like the idea that you live your life the way you're supposed to, because you don't know what the future holds.
If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
Pretty much my guiding mantra long before I heard it put to those words. Even when I was part of a (dis)organized religion, those folk were heavy on works.
I liked what he said, and I'm not a god person at all. But I like the idea of making every moment count.
I admire the religions that are heavy on works. Which reminds, I should start going back to church. It's just really hard now and taking Frick and Frack does not make it easier.
Children might be a choice, and I get the peeved about a tax benefit that others have that I don't qualify for. But really? That's the quibble? Taxation. How about the fact that parents get a pass on leaving work and meetings early because of the kids. (often because they need to! I get that and am guilty).
I yelled at a coworker who called me on my class phone during class today. In front of my students. Then I slammed the phone down and hungup on her before she could reply. My students, who were a little afraid before are now terrified. I had a day where I was VIBRATING with anger.
But I also taught a beautiful lesson on ekphrastic poetry which was AWESOME and which, I hope, will result in a great essay tomorrow.
Well, they'll hopefully know not to mess with you!
Do you like talky church or quiet church? One of the things that I always liked about our quaker meeting is that the first 20 minutes, give or take, included the kids. Which meant it was noisy. But the adults would still be moved to speak, just inclusive of the kids. After that, the kids moved off to "sunday school" (quotes because my bible knowledge from that is atrocious. Lincoln logs and fischer-price!)
But I've never liked being preached to, even when I'm in 100% agreement. So sitting down and shutting up appeals to me. Of course, the first, last and only time I spoke up in meeting was to say that I loved the culture and community, but I was neither christian or believer in god. Whoopsie. My hometown meeting had no issue with that, but it felt disingenuous to keep going to meetings after that. I did, and it was just not right.
It's poetry that is inspired by a piece of art. So we looked at Brueghel's painting
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
then read "Musee de Beaux Arts" and William Carlos William's poem "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus." Then I showed a slide set of artwork of Icarus through the ages. Then we read "Flight 063" and "To A Friend Whose Work Has Come to Triumph." Tomorrow, they will write to Edward Field's poem, "Icarus" which because I love I will post in the serial post to this.