Nope, you both are riding a nasty monster right now. Basically, both of you are running out of spoons; he just ran out first and (lucky him?) is trying to use your last one (lucky you?)
After my mom spent an hour thinking dad had fallen off a cliff at Machu Picchu, when he came down helping to carry the litter of the guy who did, she totally bawled him out. For not being dead and having the temerity to die but not be dead. She ran out of spoons, she was trying to steal his cause he had them.
Adding onto the "not total bitch" vote -- you guys are both stressed and worried, but that doesn't mean he gets to be a jackass to you right now. Understandable, but not cool.
Y'all should be lovin' on each other right now, or at least worried-neutral.
All the best calm -ma and everything's cool-ma to you both.
I mean, I know I'm not the one with cancer, and I can't possibly understand what he's going through, but do not start pulling stuff out of your ass that has no basis in reality.
You are not going to end up like my uncle--he was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer--and yes, Dr. L said there's no cure for melanoma. Well, there's no cure for cancer. Remission is not a cure, but it's not a fucking death sentence either. You deal, take it day by day, and move on. Hopefully not alone.
Sorry. This is infinitely better than saying it to him right now. I'm tired of being the punching bag.
Maria, if you have to walk away for a little while this evening, do it. Not a bitch at all.
I'm upstairs, he's downstairs. I'm just boggled.
Spoons? There are none left in the damned HOUSE.
It's perfectly reasonable that he's lashing out. Not fair, but it's totally wounded tiger behavior. It really sucks to share the cage with that tiger.
You've got us. Say what you need to us to avoid a total cage match of wounded tigers.
Spoons? There are none left in the damned HOUSE.
I wish I could send you some. You could have all of mine.
Given you haven't taken a skillet to him, I think you at least have a spoon the size of the kind that comes with fake sweetener. You know, the one that holds less than a pinky fingernail's worth??
There are probably a lot of reasons for my lack of interest in being in a relationship. I like my life, I have a career, I travel, I don't want children, and historically I attract people who need me to be their sole emotional support in the entire world.
I'm not ruling it out, or anything, but it's so far off my radar that I don't ever think about it unless my family asks me if I'm seeing someone.
But hey, if they know of a diet/exercise regimen that doesn't have a 95% chance of leaving me as fat--or fatter--in 5 years, I'll give it a shot.
Pretty much the only thing working for me is mindful eating and spending at least 45 minutes at the gym every single day, which isn't what I'd call ideal.