I had a toasted cheese sandwich. No flames. I might root through the cauldron of Halloween candy in hopes of a Special Dark for dessert, as pumpkin ice cream is not presently an option. Must remember that Cost Plus has yummy stuff.
I think I will not add my anecdata to the relationship conversation as I don't know what conclusions to draw from my history at this point.
Learn from my mistake! Make that apple-cheddar quick bread!
My most serious relationship was in high school (I was 17). I'm 46 now.
The Ting Tings' "That's Not My Name"
I work with someone named Tingting.
I had an empanada and some cheese and crackers. I've got enough spinach for one more salad.
Ironic thing is, with my parents here and eating out and wine nights? I think I ate less than I normally do. And what I normally eat is pretty spare for my activity level. Weird.
Mister Kitty just tried to eat a USB plug. Also weird.
And this is the nasty party of relationships:
Someone please confirm that I'm not a total bitch for wanting to strangle my husband right now. I *get* that he's nervous and scared about tomorrow, but there is no fucking need to take it out on me. I do not need to be snapped at, talked down to, and huffed at.
Single isn't looking so bad right now.
I had small bowl of linguini with meat sauce and a glass of red wine. They both hit the spot.
ETA: I'm sorry your DH is taking his worries about tomorrow out on you, Maria. And I hope that tomorrow's procedure goes as well as possible.
No, you're not a total bitch, Maria. You're nervous and scared yourself.
You are definitely not a total bitch. Just because you are going through this hard time together doesn't mean you are not both still human.
Oh Maria. Ack.
The Hyperbole and a Half was not funny, but there is one part of it that made me do a dark chuckle while shaking my head: when the figure went from the end of the couch to the corner of the room. So evocative and painful and dead on.