Aww, Tom. Many hugs.
Y'all go with the badass spider-touching. I now have a contact list for when one is looming on the ceiling over my bed. Awesome.
Ally is amazing and that comic is terribly sad but it's also awesome, and important.
I kinda feel for Jilli right now.
Yes, I totally spaced on The Damned flaking. Sorry, Jilli. That sucks, big time.
My spider-touching people.
Thanks guys, I'm OK. And I've totally touched spiders. My spider story is probably too gross to tell here.
It involves Carrot Top, doesn't it?
Sorry, too gross.
What could be too gross? You were having brain surgery and they found a Jillifont in your skull?
I just wanted to say, I always enjoy the relationship stories.(Of course, I speak as someone who turned finding someone into a campaign of near-military proportions, to the point of codenaming it "Operation Boompty Boompty".)
I am trying to power through and do some stuff I need to do. I applied for the Target jobs, and now i am seeking out quotes for Health Insurance, but the site keeps failing. So now I am giving up and playing fb games.