"I had a string of committed relationships for 15 solid years, and I flew around the world to research this article, and can I just stress how successful, wealthy, and attractive my friends are? Here's an article about how I heroically made peace with the only part of my life that isn't completely fucking amazing."
I get that. I bristled, too. And then I felt sort of bad because when i talk about being single, I feel like I need to head off any sort of criticism that I'm a loser by bragging about my awesome friends who do awesome things and my awesome apartment in an awesome neighborhood of my awesome major metropolitan city and don't you know that I write books and hang with famous scientists?
I saw it as a way to say, "I'm not a loser, my life is pretty awesome and men find me attractive so don't try and put me down."
I do it too, and I know it's tiresome. An editor should have reeled that in.
I can't imagine Matt Taibbi listing his accomplishments to prove that he's had an awesome life. I think it's assumed that he's a dude who's been on Bill Maher and is a staff writer at Rolling Stone so he must be cool/desirable. She's got a cover story at The Atlantic, I assume she has a cool/desirable life. She doesn't need to do the thing.
And the comments section is full of nice guys warning women that their looks will fade and then they will be lonely old hags neener neener.
Just, you know, FYI.
Allyson, some of it pinged me the same way.
I can't imagine Matt Taibbi listing his accomplishments to prove that he's had an awesome life. I think it's assumed that he's a dude who's been on Bill Maher and is a staff writer at Rolling Stone so he must be cool/desirable.
A side note, but Matt Taibbi is also a member of a select group (we know them as men) that gets to have cover stories in the Atlantic that
directly intersect with their personal life. So it's not gonna come up quite as much.
I think I should sit and wait. The head of the library - the boss of the deceased - and I talked on the phone last week for most of an hour, and she knows my background and that I am looking for a job. I have a networking meeting with her scheduled in a couple of weeks. I think right now she's probably shocked and upset on a personal level and a bit worried about getting the immediate work done on a professional level (he was the circulation manager), but once she has time to settle down she'll think of me right away. I hope.
she knows my background and that I am looking for a job. I have a networking meeting with her scheduled in a couple of weeks.
Sounds like a solid plan. If you want, in a week or so you can email/call her and express your sympathies and reiterate your networking meeting plans.
it it because I'm older?
I am laughing hysterically here. Yes, it's one of the many gifts of getting older. I've driven to the 250 miles to Nashville four or five times a year for 30 years. I've gone from feeling fine the morning after I got home to taking three days to recover.
There are a few candlesticks and a nice carving set around here somewhere from wedding presents, and the KitchenAid from my in-laws is still going strong. What I needed more was a divorce shower, since the ex got the television, the computer, the stereo and more than his share of the bookcases.
That's both convenient and awkward, flea. You hardly want to stand at the door tomorrow with his obit in your hand, but at the same time....
Oooh, a KitchenAid is definitely on my wish list!
And the comments section is full of nice guys warning women that their looks will fade and then they will be lonely old hags neener neener.
nice. They're so concerned! Who knew having standards was on a biological clock? Nice guys, that's who!
Taibbi has privilege, sure. That's all true.
However, she doesn't (and I don't have to) write apologetically, or try and reason with fuckers who are never going to get it. You can write like you have privilege.
It's difficult. I've gone through stuff I've written and removed the bulk of apologies I've made just for having the audacity to write what I think.
I was just going to apologize for making this all about me, for example.