Pumpkin is at the vet for her fixin' until sometime thursday. Proof she is staying? I feel like there is a cat missing. AFTER FIVE DAYS.
Also, think I successfully just threw my first small party in my house. Had to kick everyone out a little after 9, since we're getting up at 5, but in that compressed time, 8 of my neighbors stopped by, had a few glasses of wine, kids played (=cuddled with) Mister Kitty, ate a fair amount of the too-much I got at TJs (shopping with people who have never been to TJs before? Dangerous!) and I HOPE had good conversation. Dad & conservative husband of one of my catsitters veered dangerously into politics, but they both behaved. Which I can tease both about now.
And now I that I have kicked my parents to bed, I will unwind for an hour and get up in 5.
Awww! Pumpkin has a home!
Essentially, this is the issue:
1. Grace is enrolled at her new school. It took until today (IEP was Thursday, papers for new school, we were told, would be ready and filed on Friday and she was exited from her previous school on Friday) to have her officially start.
2. She did not go to school as there was no transportation and no aide.
3. Her new nurse has been sick this week. We've had a temp nurse. One who wears perfume and I'm hypersensitive to smell.
4. Transportation tells us the bus will pick up Grace tomorrow at 6:30. However no aide? Maybe? We don't know.
5. Her old nurse P will be back to cover for the sick new nurse and in lieu of the other temp/shift nurse. But we don't know if she goes to school at all. And he is questionable on being able to be on time.
6. I don't want her to start on Halloween.
(also, I was out for my AP class on Monday, and informed the admin staff that I had a meeting... they did not cover my class and kids sat outside the room for 90 minutes without supervision and not receiving instruction).
That's a whole lot of wtf, Kat.
I'm glad Pumpkin is part of the family now, sara. Officially!
That's a lot of annoying, Kat!
We carved pumpkins tonight. I feel like I should carve more things throughout the year so I'm not such a klutz about it come H'ween time.
lisah, I'm signing you up for the gourd of the month club. Then you can carve ALL THE TIME.
It is a lot of annoying when my employer makes it impossible for me to actually get my daughter to school so I can get to own my job.
Luffas, btw, are a gourd (just an FYI) and not a sponge in the non-plant sponge way.
You can do other things with your gourd-of-the-month club membership. You can do etching, bas reliefs, painting and wood burning. Why stop with just carving?