I swear, you have to walk through EVERY aisle at Target: [link]
Or one for absolutely everything: [link]
Apparent Duke (my former workplace) has an Occupy encampment. Which is very funny, since the main goal in life of a plurality of Duke students has traditionally been to be an investment banker.
Maybe they think it's K-ville, and they're camping out for
basketball tickets?
Oh, amyth, that's excellent! And really, really tempting.
Oh, amyth, that's excellent! And really, really tempting.
And you buy three, you get one free!
man, I wish I could get those posters as coffee mugs or something. I swear I'd buy a set of 6 or 12.
I made one up and wore it to my sleep psych appointment, and she was very confused. She was all "what does that have to do with the war???" I told her it had to do with a TV show (it's a smush of a Supernatural quote), and she was all "Ohh" in that "I totally fail to get that, but okay" tone.
Random question: does anyone here use "Motrin" for the general term for ibuprofen? I just got a flu shot and the nurse said I should take "Tylenol or Motrin" if it gets sore. I just would always call ibuprofen Advil.
Yes, I noticed a few years ago that nobody was saying Advil any more.
I spent a couple thousand dollars on plane tickets for the holidays, and then crashed. I woke up this morning feeling like I got drunk and had a regrettable one night stand with my credit card.
Hahahaha... I wish I could say I don't know what that feels like. We had to impose austerity measures for a few weeks after buying tickets to LA (visiting my brother), Philly (my cousin's wedding), and MA (home for Thanksgiving), and suddenly realizing we'd run through the entirety of our bank balance cushion. And we still haven't bought my ticket to OKC for Christmas...
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone! I had a fantastic day, full of happiness and pie, and to top it all off, not one but two of my friends gave birth yesterday, so I now share my birthday with two healthy and gorgeous new human beings. Couldn't have been a better day, except if it had been a Friday instead of a Monday. I, too, long to be Occupying My Couch at the moment.
And happy birthday to brenda!