Happy Birthday, Brenda!
The Halloween house Amy linked to is one of the few things I've seen that really deserves to be called awesome. Jilli would probably be happy living across the street.
The Occupy Atlanta people are not the brightest bulbs in the movement. The other day they were going to occupy Lenox Square, but a lot of them got lost and the rest were baffled by the fact that Lenox, as private property, didn't have to let them in. Now the mayor is throwing them out of the park downtown because they had a loud hip-hop concert without a permit.
I like Sue's idea about Occupying My Couch. Although I am currently Occupying My Bed. I am on it, not in it, though. Just to be clear.
Some people try to pick up girls and get called an asshole; this never happened to Pablo Picasso.
I would give a digit to Occupy my Couch right now.
I was just in a planning meeting where we're taking about a project that has, at minimum, a 24 month timeline. Half of the people sitting around the table will be retired in 24 months. After they leave it will be me, my ineffective boss, and the new coworker who has alienated everyone in the office. Work, meh.
I'm Occupying My Office but I'd rather be at home Occupying A Nap.
Well it's only the couch. I'd give a whole arm or leg for a bed occupation.
Yeah, that's a better plan.
Sorry work is so borked, Sue. Sometimes I don't miss being in an office at all.
And then other days I drive myself crazy here alone, so.
Whoops. My digit got overexcited.
Good news here at work today. We thought that the outsourcing vendors who take care of our state regulation allocations were on holiday both today and tomorrow, but when I came in, they had done the day's allocating. So, I just have to do tomorrow's, and then next Tuesday (another holiday for them). Yay for not having to do today's, and since I came in early to start working on it, I can leave early.
I still have to do the research for and put together my religion presentation for tomorrow night's class, so I'm heading out of here at 4:00 and going straight to campus, where I'm hoping to get everything done except for the PowerPoint assemblage in about four hours, then I get to come home and put together the presentation on my own computer.
I have to stop at JoAnn Fabrics and pick up some DMC floss for my cross-stitch project (it's a kit that forgot to include a big batch of one color needed to the frame around the piece; I picked up one skein on Sunday, but should have picked up two), and if there's a Best Buy nearby, I'll pop into there and get a memory stick so I can put my PP slideshow on it instead of emailing it to myself.