Happy birthday, brenda!
I've got way too much to do today, and it started out with me not able to send email; that took 30 minutes to fix. Ugh.
And this was on top of sleeping weird last night (had hot flash around 9, felt shaky and weak, fell asleep around 10, woke up super alert at 12:30, stayed awake until around 5:30, slept until nearly 7). Have coffee with my breakfast, 'cause I need it.
Man, I need some mental recharging.
Me too, dang. I'm hoping next week out of the office does it. I'm taking some time off and seeing friends in Chicago, coming home and turning around the next day for a business trip. But I've included some bonus home time, so it should help? I hope.
Oh, that reminds me -- Chicago-istas, I think we're staying in the Loop. Do you have any recommendations for baby- and vegetarian-friendly restaurants?
Happy St. Crispin's Day
We few, we happy few.... We band of buggered.
I've heard The Chicago Diner is supposed to be excellent and very family-friendly, but it's not downtown (3411 N. Halsted).
I've also heard great things about The Chicago Diner.
Oh, that looks fun! Not sure if the group would go for it, but I'll put it out there. We just have the one vegetarian, so typically we go to places with both kinds of options.
Can you imagine finding a Michelangelo over your sofa?
My university has been Occupied. Undergrads saying that tuition is too high for a public university, mostly.