I have had a constant low grade headache all day. The kind that flares when you walk by someone in Starbucks who has bathed in cologne. Or when you bend over to pickup crud one of the kids left on the floor. This needs to be gone by morning. It feels like if it doesn't fade overnight, it is going to rear it's head and turn toward migraine land.
I was married to KCD for over 20 years. He calls today to work out weekend arrangements so that I can "do Easter" with CJ. I don't "do Easter". Never have. My big plans are hitting the $5 movies and then looking for half price chocolate.
I want to see the new Zac Efron movie. I may need an intervention.
I tried to read
A Gate at the Stairs
by Lorrie Moore.
Well written but painfully awkward characters, so after 100 pages or so of slogging I put it aside and picked up
Bad Monkeys
by Matt Ruff. I'm not saying the latter is objectively better, but I sure am enjoying it a hell of a lot more. NPI.
or at least just a different take on grammar and usage of modern English.
The Deluxe Transitive Vampire! (What, it's my favorite grammar book.)
Bad Monkeys
is the most page-turningest book I've ever read. Once I started reading, I did not want to stop until the end.
Still haven't read the Moore, but I want to eventually.
OMG. I just saw "this means war" and I am really really hopin there is slash and 3some out there. Also, why is there even a question about who to pick? Is there something I'm not getting, as a gay? Tom Hardy over Chris Pine any day in my book!
The only thing I could think of was that Pine's character put out whereas Hardy's didn't. The latter seemed so much more who Reese was looking for, and her choice came out of left field for me.
Yeah, I heard they did test endings with audiences for both guys? I dunno. I mean, eventually I figured
(after the grandma thing) that she was going with Chris, and Tom was gonna end up with his ex, but STILL!
Though right near the very end, I did finally notice that Tom has very British teeth. Which is not my bag at all. But STILL. I'd just make him get adult braces.
But yes, I want
1) ALL of Reese's clothing in that movie, my god. And the shoes.
2) To LOOK like her in that clothing (well, taller. I don't actually want to be teeny-short)
3) To have hot chemistry...
I have decided that the teeth are what made Tom Hardy relatable, because otherwise, there's no way.
The Deluxe Transitive Vampire! (What, it's my favorite grammar book.)
Sparky gave me my copy. Thanks again, Sparky!