This is from the LA Times, so you know not peer reviewed or anything. But one estimate of the cost to end world hunger permanently is 300 billion in total investment, spread over ten years so as to make the investments at a sustainable rate that could be absorbed by the economies where the poorest of people live. Probably could be done faster at a higher cost.
While 300 times the size of the investment foaf suggested, that is still surprisingly small compared to the size of the total world economy. [link]
Guess who had fresh local asparagus for dinner tonight? YUM. The skinny kind because the fatter stuff won't be good until later. And I still have another bunch.
House is clean. Also tackled the disaster that was my coffee table: threw everything into a box. Relocated a couple of nice basket/dish things to the table. Took item out of box. Found a home for it (mostly not ON the table.)
We'll see how well I can maintain this.
long skirts require tights? long flowy skirts
I'm cold, man. In this weather, always tights under my skirts.
Man, I forgot ice cream.
I *really* want ice cream. Pisser.
That article I wrote for a local advertiser supported weekly that I linked March 7. main: [link] sidebar: [link] Well, in today's mail was a check from them for the story. What a concept, you do work for someone, and they pay for it in good old fashioned money you can spend on anything you want. They just shot way above Grist as a place to submit articles to for me. Grist pays in prestige and verbal abuse in the comments.
We call this game "Bubba vs the cube"
(aka, there's a reason I decided to call him Bubba.)
I think I am in love with Bubba.
I love the walking away at the end. Like, "what?"
Bubba and Pumpkin have SO MUCH in common. Except hers is a one of those pop-up laundry baskets. Which I have now found on a floor other than where I last left it. Without laundry. Maybe I need one of what you got....
Dita is reacting much as Devi does. Mildly interested and a little disgusted.
Going back to the bra thing, custom has been suggested. That option just makes me tired. More so than even the current state of things. Ultimate insult that *finally* having my boob size drop (much wished for) has made it even more difficult to find anything. I now have a size that is much easier to find and yet the standard models just don't fit where my stuff is or what it does. I've got a couple more places to check, but that's not happening this month and of course it is now that it becomes unworkable. So I whine. A lot.
Aside: my cousin is marrying a woman named Charis. I don't think I've ever met a Charis before!
You can't really tell, but Bubba has a mouse in his mouth as he is walking away, which he very cleverly hid in the cube earlier today.
Maybe I need one of what you got....
I actually have two of the cubes, which used to be joined together by velcro, until Bubba discovered velcro strips can be fun toys.