Had to break down and buy a good-enough bra because my current barely-good-enough is experiencing structural collapse
Did you see my question about Bare Necessities in Greenspring? Have you tried them yet. I just remembered yesterday that they do tailoring there! And they have a pretty big selection.
Not yet. They have lady-of-leisure hours, unfortunately. I can't get up there today, so maybe in a couple weeks.
I only drink the oolong I do because it makes an amazing chai. I might give the Verdant Tea chais a try. As for jasmine dragon thingy, Adagio looks good, but they're out of stock. And I'm really dramatically in stock. I have so much of that shit. It'll be a while before I need to look around on that front.
At this point I feel I could also get really obsessive about mugs and teacups--I'm definitely markedly preferring the ones I have with something written on, and as I bounce around the tea sites there are just some really aesthetically well put together ones.
I've been curled up in a ball all morning. Not even watching TV. Not sure those errands are going to get run, but I'm surely going reheat some tea.
sarameg, I'm wondering with your fitting problems, whether it wouldn't be easier to hire a very experienced seamstress to custom-make some.
I survived Walmart, which I normally wouldn't step foot in, especially on a Saturday afternoon. (Hint: ALL of the handicapped spaces were taken, and this being a Walmart meant there were a LOT of them.) However, with Mom I default to "If it won't kill you, I'll do it without complaining."
I love oolong tea, it's my current favorite. I think I've been drinking a high mountain oolong, not sure where I got it, some Chinese tea shop somewhere. So good though. I'm going to check out the tea websites, so thanks!
But three hours after I emailed him he responded to me saying he'd page the ER head.
Yeah, I think that means, whether or not you're supposed to have it, you need to keep hold of that email. And use it when necessary. Doctors need to be email accessible--we're living in the future, damnit!
just give a holler because there are all kinds of tea recommendations we can make here that are NOT Teavana. I shop from a couple of other places too (Octavia).
seriously, sevencups has the best oolong I have ever consumed. It is amazing.
Go play with Google Maps today! Upper right, click on Quest... and check out the Streetview too.
Wait. Is Streetview supposed to be something other than shitty, pixellated blobs of color indistinguishable from actual things?
so, I am talking smack to Geraldo Rivera on twitter and I feel so much better.
sarameg, I'm wondering with your fitting problems, whether it wouldn't be easier to hire a very experienced seamstress to custom-make some.
This has never occurred to me before. I wonder if I can find a bra-making wonder around here. I'm so tired of never finding anything that fits.
Steph, no, I don't think so! If you click on something, it goes back to normal.