Well, I can't imagine why they would do that outside of classwork? Student-instigated? Seems odd. But if as part of a class, the professor should know the IRB requirements and should be censured/disciplined for not enforcing them.
IME, students sometimes do whatever the fuck they want to do and don't tell faculty shit. A long time ago, a student organized project in one of my classes got a complaint from one of their study participants to the IRB. I shut that shit down on the spot. They all hated me for it and complained to my department chair but he in essence told them to go fuck themselves.
::waves at ita !'s sis::
Jessica, that is a sucky way to say "thank you."
Well, I can't imagine why they would do that outside of classwork? Student-instigated?
Not that this situation is at all funny or amusing, but I just flashed on the Leverage episode with the student run psychology experiment that was definitely outside any IRB guidelines. ita !'s sister needs to contact Nate Ford stat!
So if your 'gift' last year has since met with an unfortunate end, you don't get anything?
Hi ita's sister!
When I got to the register at 7-Eleven a few minutes ago they asked me how many Mega Millions tickets I wanted.
Oh, I forgot to congratulate Jilli.
(I swear, if my job situation ever gets resolved, I'm throwing a party.)
Jessica, I don't get it: they gave you a gift last year, and this year they want you to give them back the gift they gave you in order for them to loan you something that is only to be used for work purposes?
Well technically the ones we got last year have should all the same restrictions on them, only since they were purchased at the Apple Store by our department head the whole this-isn't-really-a-gift-gift part was handwaved and not mentioned to anyone. Until now, since this year the purchasing was done through proper channels.