I just saw someone I've been assuming is adult, who said she had no opinion on it, and I'm like--isn't that uselessly open-minded? Like, decide it doesn't bother you or something, or it's fine for other people as long as there's no injury or whatever, but *no* opinion? I...just?
You have an opinion on everything, though. I see this as perhaps more saying that there's too many factors to come to a conclusion.
Hi, I've been in communication training all week.
Which reminds me, about time to go carry her down the stairs.
Aw. She's a lucky dog, lady.
Also, my breasts do not have names. I rarely talk to them, after all.
No pine nuts! Nor anything that pine nuts in it.
This morning I ate the leftovers of the chicken-cheese quesadilla I made last night, but it tasted so bad I threw it away. Then I ate a slice of sourdough bread with butter, later I ate some mango peach salsa with corn chips, and I just ate a yogurt. I'm drinking Perrier water. Nothing that's not in my normal diet, nothing with pine nuts or other suspicious characters, and nothing made it go away. It's weird.
No breast names here.
In high school my friend and I got called Laverne and Shirley, though no one would name which one of us was which. Over the years, she has become Shirley and I'm Laverne, though, honestly, I think it fits better the other way around.
But, back to, who names their breasts?
My sister did. And I named mine, too, though I certainly don't refer to them by name. Unless I'm making a joke of some kind.
Do you feel okay otherwise, Zen? Sometimes when I'm getting sick I get what I call "sick mouth," when nothing tastes right.
According to a pasta making class I took, it's pine nuts from China that are prone to that, and you can supposedly tell them because they are more round than the Italian ones.
They're also not true pine nuts, I'm pretty sure.
Sometimes when I'm getting sick I get what I call "sick mouth," when nothing tastes right.
I know a woman who had gastric bypass surgery (some iteration of it, I disremember which type) in January, and now the taste of everything is turned up to 11. Like, she was a normal taster and is now a supertaster, or close to it. I knew there were physiological things that change after gastric bypass, but that one is new to me. She's on a hunt for bland sausage, because she said breakfast sausage is too spicy now. I told her "bland sausage" is probably just ground pork.
I guess I could see describing that as "no opinion" though
No, no, she has *no* opinion. She doesn't know if it's fine for other people, or something that gets her juices flowing, or makes her want to vomit, or should be illegal, or should be okay if the horse really really likes you. She has *no* opinion. Like, no reflexive reaction, no examination of that response, no abdication in the face of the complexity of the issue. Just abdication because she has no opinion.
You have an opinion on everything, though
You'd think, only the stuff I say I have an opinion about. If I don't have an opinion, I ask questions or skip the conversation.
Unlike, you know, some people who showed up to say "I have absolutely no opinion about this topic. I have given it no consideration, nor had a knee jerk response. Just thought you should know."
I rarely talk to them, after all.
Ah, but do you talk of them to others? That is another useful reason for them to have names.
I told my parents that someone (else's husband) had named my breasts. They took it reasonably well, all told.
Why is breast-naming okay and cock naming to be hidden, flea? What if I've named my vagina? Can I talk about that in blackfont?
Kidding! Why would I name my vagina? My vulva, on the other hand...