In case you've been wondering how to do those cool retro eye liner wings, my favorite Rockabilly model, Cherry Dollface, offers this tutorial.
I'm on the train and can't access YouTube right now - is that the one that uses scotch tape to make a stencil? Because I'm conflicted about that. On the one hand, hey, that would make doing winged liner easier. On the other hand, tape around your eyelids seems like a bad idea, and dammit, SOME of us just practiced with liquid liner until we got it right.
t /gothy makeup snobbery
is that the one that uses scotch tape to make a stencil?
Oh no!
SOME of us just practiced with liquid liner until we got it right.
She's in this camp. But she does a good job of breaking it down for beginners. There's the tiniest little bitter laugh when she notes that if you fuck up with liquid eyeliner you basically have to wipe it off and start from scratch.
David, maybe you can figure this out for me. Back some many moons ago, following links hither and thither on the internet, I came across an Australian fashion blogger who does vintage and had hair tutorials and stuff. No idea why I didn't bookmark it. Any ideas?
ita ! I demand you wear your skeleton hand necklace and take a picture for meeeeee!
You have to adjust the hands on the front of the neck with velcro you place yourself and I just can't get it right! I'm going to have to solicit help, and then there will be pictures, for sure. It's great.
I love how irrelevant this person is in coming to their conclusion:
I still don’t like a lot of aspects of ‘Gangsta/Rap’ culture and the associated gun crime, murder etc, but regardless of my own personal prejudices, I cannot condone the wanton slaying of a human being irrespective of their racial origins or perceived cultural associations. On this basis, I maintain George Zimmerman should be indicted for murder.
For the record, he admins a web site that's posting Trayvon Martin material that's being decried as faked up on others. He just wants to be clear that it's somehow important that the Media is lying to make black people look good, like they always do. But he ain't racist, yo.
You have to adjust the hands on the front of the neck with velcro you place yourself and I just can't get it right!
Whaaaaaat? With velcro? Huh, wacky.
Whaaaaaat? With velcro? Huh, wacky.
Yeah, it's a chain in back, and there's a small sheet of velcro back and front for you to precisely affix the fingers the way you want. Not singleton jewelry, dammit.
Not exactly random thoughts of the day:
I wish TJs pub cheese with Horseradish wasn't so good.
Also, both my cats are kind of nuts.
Timelies all!
Yay, tomorrow's Friday. (The week hasn't been bad, just kinda...sluggish)