One call center I worked in, AKA Hell on Earth, experimented briefly with First Come First Served on cubicles--find an empty one when you come in. Management was apparently under the illusion that all the machines on the floor were configured identically, and it turns out IT had only configured the machines as per the projects that particular section was working on. So every day there would be jockeying for cubicles, and people who came in late would have to tell their supervisors that they couldn't work because the machines that were available weren't configured for the work they needed to do.
It only lasted for a week, praise be.
Oh, we definitely have at least one beloved-fictional-character name in the running.
Sauron. Instill the proper respect in the other pre-schoolers.
I split my time between 2 offices - one is open plan with team tables and tons of natural light. The other, I have an office and no windows at all. I enjoy the privacy of being able to shut the door and be alone, but if I had to choose one or the other, I'd go open plan and natural light all the way.
Oh, we definitely have at least one beloved-fictional-character name in the running.
We actually went with a beloved-fictional-character name, and it still hasn't stopped the tears and resentment. IJS.
I told her she could go to court and change her name when she grows up if she's still mad about it then, and she said tearfully, "Mommy, when I grow up, will you show me where the court is and take me there?"
I told her she could go to court and change her name when she grows up if she's still mad about it then, and she said tearfully, "Mommy, when I grow up, will you show me where the court is and take me there?"
You should get that on tape to show at her wedding.
Sauron. Instill the proper respect in the other pre-schoolers.
And yet again I look for the Like button on a post.
and she said tearfully, "Mommy, when I grow up, will you show me where the court is and take me there?"
OMG she's so adorable. I know it's difficult to deal with, but seriously, I've gone all gooey.
ION, that contractor who submitted too high a bid? It's six times what I had estimated. It's for design work only, and they submitted an estimate that exceeds the cost of construction. I'm astonished.
What's wrong with kids these days? Back when I was little we just announced what we were supposed to be called. Fuck the law, man. Fuck the law.