I argued that I already served it. Arguing with the refs = insubordination = 2 minutes in the penalty box.
Troublemaker! Breaking the law, breaking the law!
t /Judas Priest
Happy birthday, Allyson! I hope you're getting a pretty pedicure to celebrate.
Happy birthday, Allyson!
That all sounds bad-ass, Cashmere.
Re: Office spaces, of course change is the worst thing ever, but I did have a problem when I was at United Way and we were all in cubes, and most people had jobs that involved a lot of talking on the phone, but my job had a lot of writing. Woe. So instead I just was on Salon (and that other place that shut down) all day. As you do.
I have a weird opposite office space problem- I have always shared an office/worked in retail, but the building I am in is an old dorm, so everyone has their own office, about the size of half of a dorm room. Even my student has her own office. The only people who share are half time workers.
I am lonely. I like to hear other people talk and move.
One of the reasons I like working from home is that I have better control over the noise levels and distractions (this week not withstanding - spring break). Also, our group has moved twice in the last 6 months and we expect to move a couple more times between now and the end of the year. They are renovating each floor into ever more open work spaces.
my particular department is entrenched in this crazy culture of everyone have giant wooden desks and their own offices
My first thought was, I would like that! Then I realized, wait, I have that. A giant wooden desk in my own office. Okay.
I enjoyed working at my workplace much more when we had an open floor plan. When they moved everyone into cubes smaller than they raise veal in, my job satisfaction went way down. This was about the same time that they painted the pretty sky-blue walls taupe. It was depressing.
I would love blue walls. I desperately want to be near the windows so I can see some sky. My cube walls are beige, my laminate desktop is beige, the carpet is beige, the office walls are beige, my co-workers are beige--physically and mentally.
Oh, dear. Slow death by blandness.
Happy birthday, Allyson!
Matilda has been watching The Golden Compass over and over and is resentful of Hec and me, to the point of tears, that we didn't name her Serafina Pekkala
I'm totally taking notes. Don't want Sprog to get mad at us a few years down the line for missing out on this most awesome of names!
Dream report: I dreamed that I was taking a class in high school, and not only did I get a terrible grade on the test, but it turned out that you had to pay a fee if you did poorly on the test. By the end of the dream I had accumulated around $1000 in penalties and was pretty worried about how I'd pay for it all. Kind of the worst aspects of adolescence and adulthood combined.
I desperately want to be near the windows so I can see some sky.
After 2 1/2 years here, I finally got to move to a cubicle by the windows a couple of months ago after a coworker retired, and it's pretty remarkable what a difference it's made to my mood and my willingness to come to work and sit at my desk for hours. I can see the sky, and the sun, and the green trees in the park, and open the window for a breeze if I want! It's really nice.