I almost thought I'd written that myself, except I am trying to find a shirt with the arc reactor
The arc reactor doesn't really move me. I just don't feel it. Which makes me sad, because Iron Man is my favorite Avenger. But I have big love for Cap and Thor, too. (Part of me is tempted to buy this Cap/Thor shirt, because I would walk around wearing it saying "Saving the WORLD!!!" in a Don LaFontaine voice. But in the end, I'd rather have a logo shirt.)
Okay, I smell like skunk cabbage. Must shower now. Possibly forever.
I had very good intentions of getting stuff done today, like getting a smog check and going to Costco. Then I took an allergy pill and went back to bed.
I did start the dishwasher, at least.
I'm with you, Lee. My allergies have been kicking my butt lately.
I took CJ to training this morning, came home, crawled back in bed and slept until noon. I can't wait for this cold to take a hike.
I'm working on a deep clean of the living room, including shifting furniture. I normally get someone else to dust due to my asthma, but I'm doing it small bit by small bit and am ok so far.
Just got a text from CJ that his training has been halted and they are out on a search. First really nice weekend of 2012 and someone already in need of search and rescue.
Crazy - got another text from CJ "Almost done" which was quickly followed by "Nevrmind, plane crash in Elbert County". Eeeep.
I did some gardening today. Now I'm sitting on the front porch watching a bee go all over an annual I dropped in a pot last week. I could swear I hear her saying, "Om nom nomzzzzzz."
apparently I fucked up and didn't include the link. sorry.
I have done stuff. 2 more people replied with sorry, can't, but at least two more replied.
I am sore and will be more sore tomorrow and my yard still looks bad and my house is still cluttered.
1 load of laundry. dishes in sink washed. litter cleaned. recycling out. 2 transhcans full of leaves and yellow oak tree fuzz. 2 sections on lawn sprayed. flowerbeds watered. Castle watched.
Thanks, le nubian. That was interesting.
I'm trying to decide if I want to go see Hunger Games tonight or tomorrow.
If I could find any of the these arc reactors in a chick cut, I'd be happy. Well, not the one with the torso. But, nothing. And I doubt I'll find something before May 4th. So, instead, old faithful.