Hookers and blow, y'all!
We've got friends in town this weekend. Plans for the day include: going out for brunch, coming back home to move some furniture around (I plan to fold laundry while everyone else does the heavy lifting), then going out to see
The Hunger Games
and going somewhere yummy for dinner. Wish I'd slept better last night (woke up with bad heartburn at 2:30, moved to the couch around 4, finally fell back asleep sometime after 5:30), but otherwise, I'm excited for the day! I love having people visit, and these are some of my oldest and best friends. The fact that they want to help us set up baby stuff is just a bonus.
Hey, wanna start the morning off with a few tears?
I hope all the bank crap is sorted out now, brenda.
Launderating. Which I'm using as an excuse to laze on the couch with the cats.
Me too! Well, insert dog in place of cats, but totally on the same game plan for today!
Pear butter is still bubbling away. It does look better this morning, but I think at our altitude it may still be the better part of the day before it's done. It was reduced in volume enough to add the rest of the pearsauce. The dirty dishes it generated are impressive in scale, though, I must say.
I also hope to finish weeding the dog's kennel today. Got through about half yesterday, but I went out too late in the day and missed the sun. Hope to shoot a little archery, too, weather is finally nice enough and I need to get it in before the spring winds come back.
I have done my nails and gone to the post office. I think that's enough until The Hunger Games later.
I was asleep very close to 10pm last night, slept 9 hours, and am feeling almost renewed.
Ooh! I should do nails!
Oh, no wait, I do this every time. I can't do nails while I'm doing laundry. They are contraindicated.
Yeah, I often want to wait til Sunday for nails, so they last longer into the workweek, but I ALWAYS want to wait til Sunday for laundry, so.
The NY Times notes, "Seventeen expletives have been edited from the following paragraph." I'm having some fun trying to figure out where to put them back in. It seems like the only way to get to 17 is to put "fucking" before just about every noun. (Which is mostly appropriate.)
“Every day 20 tour buses come down this street to look at this neighborhood and take pictures,” Harris said. “Don’t tell me they’re just touring the city. If you’re trying to tour the city, then you’re in the wrong neighborhood. They just ride around in the part that’s been devastated. Lower Ninth Ward ain’t receiving a single penny for that. Why can’t I get something? Why does the man driving the bus get all the money? I ain’t a guinea pig. I don’t want to be put under a microscope. We’re the ones that suffered down here, who lost everything. There are still dead people that they haven’t accounted for. It’s frustrating. It took almost seven years for the Ninth Ward to look like what it looks like now, and it still don’t look like [anything].”
That is [fucking] hilarious.