The funfetti cupcakes made me want chocolate cupcakes. And makes me think of the Porto's cupcakes with GANACHE. Commercially available cupcakes with something not sugar-laden. I love the alternative.
Or, you know, ita ! could get off her ass and make her own damned cupcakes. Those CI "adult" ones were pretty much perfection.
Those CI "adult" ones
Did they look like boobs? The word "adult" as an adjective always makes me want to look around for Larry Flynt.
Well, yeah, but anthropologists will strip down at the least provocation.
clothes fall off
holy shit. that's how I have ALWAYS been driving. I guess doing it wrong saves time.
Me too! I think I've only seen one person do the "hand over hand" thing, one old guy when I was a kid. I thought he was just having trouble with the steering wheel, he looked so awkward.
Hey, it's the best combo for laser hair removal!!
Does that work on chins??
Spent a good while at Lowes today, buying house and garden stuff. Tomorrow for installing it all. I'll get my sister's boyfriend to plant my new evergreens, in exchange for watching my sports channels.
I am done with my job of micromanagement, polite bitchery, and insane levels of judgment and criticism! mr. flea got us a cake from the Bonbonerie, a Victorian Dance Torte which involves ladyfingers, lemon, and sugar violets ans daffodils.
Of course, now Dillo is having a fit because he decided he doesn't like lemon cake and we must not love him.
now Dillo is having a fit because he decided he doesn't like lemon cake and we must not love him.
He *is* the boy who successfully lobbied for a *light-up* lightsaber lollipop. That's a hard standard to meet. Lemon cake does not light up.
Prove your love -- bake him a couple of funfetti cupcakes!
With Dillo, it's kind of chocolate or nothing. His attitude to chocolate is much like that of a stereotypical pre-menstrual cat-lady librarian.
Yeah... as I sit here eating a piece of chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting, I kind of get that.
Congrats on being done with the job, flea! (?)
Two sounds about right: one for now, one for tomorrow breakfast. I've never heard of a funfetti cupcake before, though. I am suspicious of this unfamiliar treat.
It's just vanilla with sprinkles cooked in. And yes! For those of us who live alone, two cupcakes is ideal. Even if it's two for now and none for tomorrow!
The word "adult" as an adjective always makes me want to look around for Larry Flynt.
Well, yes, but look who's talking, adult fun-lady.
Lifehacker had a link to a recipe for mini-cakes baked in canning jars. They looked quite tasty. Had fruit in them. Better than this "funfetti" business. I don't trust it either.