I woke up this AM with a low-grade fever, a raw throat, and swollen glands in my neck. I decided to stay home, not because I am deathly ill,but because I have been dealing with on/off low-grade fluish symptoms for weeks and I am sick of this BS. I am hoping a day of resting and sleeping will help.
Also, since I am home, I decided to book a mammogram, something I have been meaning to do since I turned 40. They have a cancellation for tomorrow!
Why do my offers of marriage seem so threatening?
my first mammogram was in the summer and it freaked me the fuck out. I am not sure why - except that I might have white coat syndrome in general and pressing my flesh against glass was just icky.
I do not have a tea maker. I have a laser thermometer that was maybe $80, I just take the top off my kettle and monitor the heating water when I want a precise temperature. Or poke a probe down the spout. My sister has a set-the-temperature kettle but she doesn't actually set the temperature anymore, the way it regulates is inefficient or something, but I guess the built-in thermometer still let's her get the temp she wants if she watches it.
I was sure *someone* said they had a teamaker. And I figured, statistically, it was likely to be you.
I'm looking at this insanely expensive do-it-all teamaker, and I'm seriously thinking "you got a bonus" and wondering if I can just replace my kettle with something crazy. The reviews are pretty good, with the big caveat being slightly difficult cleaning. But in a manageable way--you have to wipe down in place, or boil water. You can't wash it in a sink or dishwasher. That's okay. I'm totally that sort of lazy.
I can't decide! How crazy am I? I just know I'm getting sadder and sadder when my first cup of tea is done. I'm turning into Amy. But I drink too slowly to use a teapot. I can barely make it through a cup with the whole thing at a good temperature. A teamaker that keeps the tea warm would be brill.
I think it was Seska, ita !.
Do it. You earned it through AWESOME.
my first mammogram was in the summer and it freaked me the fuck out. I am not sure why - except that I might have white coat syndrome in general and pressing my flesh against glass was just icky.
So far I am not freaked out, and maybe only having a day to think about it will help out. I have been meaning to do this since I turned 40 (2 years ago) and since the office is right around the corner from my house, it's a little absurd that I haven't done so. I am glad to be finally getting it done.
Yeah, that is totally the kind of thing you should buy with bonus money. Because you wouldn't otherwise, but now you'll use it every morning and be reminded of your RADIATION OF AWESOME.
I kinda want one.
But a) I didn't get a bonus, b) I just spent a wad of cash on a damned paring knife, and c) it kinda defeats the whole "I made my tea on my woodstove" vibe I've got going. Which reminds me, I need to take a pic of my teapot for Beverly.
I can barely make it through a cup with the whole thing at a good temperature. A teamaker that keeps the tea warm would be brill.
I make a pot with two tea bags in a stainless steel carafe, and it keeps it hot for hours. Not scalding, but hot.