It was after a 40 minute workout at the gym, which made it the best pasta ever.
I lifted weights tonight and was STARVING right after. There are vending machines at the gym, including one of the trendy new "healthy food" ones. I was standing there pondering whether a Reese's Cup was a good post-workout snack, when a trainer wandered up. I asked him what he recommended, and told him I wasn't particularly fussed about calories. He told me if I wasn't starving for solid food, I should have chocolate milk. Protein, carbs, sugar -- what's not to love?
That chocolate milk was SO GOOD.
David, that is sickening. Hard to even fathom.
Adding dried cherries and choc chips is a good idea, right?
Is that ever a bad idea?
God, that story is sickening. On so many levels, not least that Dutch government officials apparently knew about it and didn't bother to do a damn thing about it, including one guy who went on to become prime minister. By now I just numbly expect it of the hierarchy, but that there were people outside that particular power structure, who knew what was going on and had the power to bring it to attention and cause an uproar and stop it and rescue the children but just couldn't be arsed to lift a finger, is a whole extra layer of sick.
I need a name for my Pub Quiz team. Does anyone have any funny Benedict Cumberbatch aliterations?
Does anyone have any funny Benedict Cumberbatch aliterations?
Spotted Dick Bumbersnatch?
There's a whole crazy list from Glark on Extra Hot Great here: [link] (The ridiculous list is typed out in the comments, but his voice reading them is just so funny.)
Cormorant Thundercrotch it is then.
Cormorant Thundercrotch
Holy shit, that's awesome.