Jess, you could efile directly with the IRS, but it's more of a PITA -- basically it's doing the 1040 yourself with a calculator. At least all of the schedules are there, which is always my downfall?
Also this weekend I got to listen to John Oliver read an e-mail I wrote.
That's exciting!
Those of you with curls, have you gone conditioner only?
No, because I use product in my hair, and conditioner only gets gross after a while. However, I have switched to a non-sulfate shampoo, and certainly a few times a week condition-only. I'd say I use shampoo maybe twice or three times a week, just condition once or twice a week, and the rest just rinse.
Jess, you could efile directly with the IRS, but it's more of a PITA -- basically it's doing the 1040 yourself with a calculator.
Yeah, no. Too much work. Honestly, I really like H&R's online prep services, and since I've used it before they automatically import all my stuff from previous years which saves a TON of time typing in EIN #s and whatnot.
No, because I use product in my hair, and conditioner only gets gross after a while. However, I have switched to a non-sulfate shampoo, and certainly a few times a week condition-only. I'd say I use shampoo maybe twice or three times a week, just condition once or twice a week, and the rest just rinse.
I've gone back to CO in an effort to go back to no shampoo. Using the unscented Whole Foods house brand is getting my hair ridiculously clean.
Yeah, no. Too much work. Honestly, I really like H&R's online prep services, and since I've used it before they automatically import all my stuff from previous years which saves a TON of time typing in EIN #s and whatnot.
I totally hear you. If I had anything fancy, it would definitely be worth the money! But yeah, zeroing out after the fees is annoying.
Gud is that the sedan or the hatchback? we are 2007 Focus twins.
It's the sedan. I'd have preferred a five door hatch, but there are lots of used sedans here.
No, because I use product in my hair, and conditioner only gets gross after a while. However, I have switched to a non-sulfate shampoo, and certainly a few times a week condition-only. I'd say I use shampoo maybe twice or three times a week, just condition once or twice a week, and the rest just rinse.
Yep, this for me, too. Sulfate shampoos were drying the hell outta my hair. I didn't even know it until I stopped using them. I do still use Head&Shoulders every couple weeks, though.
Those of you with curls, have you gone conditioner only?
I wash it about every two weeks with a sulfate free shampoo.
The Jewish community center in my neighborhood is offering singalong classes with "Yoni the puppet."
I'm sure it's a perfectly normal Israeli name, but the image it brings to my mind is not something I really want to share with my kids.