Every time I have to seriously clean (like today, because the parents are coming for dinner), I want to put on "Housework" from Free to Be, You and Me, and chant right along with Carol Channing.
Do it!
It is incredibly gorgeous outside. But I want to watch TV! I did do my load of laundry and went and bought a new jacket on sale. Oh, but I should have gotten stockings while I was out, since we're getting into that transitional time between tights weather and bare-leg weather. Ah well.
Man, I've just been doing something really stupid--reading the comments on Trayvon Martin articles. Not specifically about this case, but I love that in almost every situation where someone complains that their voice is being ignored/challenged because they're white, it's really happening because everyone else has decided they're an idiot. They do indeed happen to be white, but there are usually plenty of white people *not* having their throats jumped down on the same page.
The complainers never seem to pause and wonder precisely "why them?". They figure that "white" is the distinguishing factor, but it shouldn't be, because it's a post-racial society, when actually, they're the ones that pulled out race as a justification for their treatment, when they should indeed be taking it personally.
Unrelatedly, I like full justified text. It soothes me, as long as there are no rivers.
Also, congratulations to Taylor! (Some of those congratulations go to sarameg.)
Justified text is an invention of the devil.
Just got back from my long run -- and after a week of worry, the weather was gorgeous -- to watch the taped LA Marathon from the comfort of my sofa. No spoilers!
I prefer justified text, as long as it's properly hyphenated. I have on occasion decided not to buy certain print books because they have ragged-right text and/or are missing hyphenation. It's unprofessional. Learn how to use InDesign people, it's your freaking
My plan for this afternoon was grading quizzes. I ended up taking a nap instead. Still not really awake at all, but I need to finish grading.
Does anyone know anything about the Bem Sex Role Inventory? Is it significantly outdated? Are there more current versions of same floating around that I could read up on?
I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to guide what I think was a queen honeybee out one of my front windows this morning - she was absolutely determined to bump against the windowpanes and plow into cobwebs rather than follow the fresh air to the open part.
I wanna get in the line where I choke the shit out of ita's fuckwad of an ER doctor.
I have leftover rage from the bad haircut. I had an appointment at a devacurl salon yesterday to fix my awful haircut, but they canceled as I was on my way to the salon. I'm leaving for vacation friday, and so I just took my ramping up annoyance back to Rudy's and gave them an earful about the bad haircut.
I asked the woman who was assigned to my irritated self if she knew how to cut curly hair.
"What do you mean?"
I mean, "have you been trained to cut curly hair?"
She said, "well let's wash it and talk about what you need."
"No," I said, fucking seething." "You don't know how to cut curly hair. Because you don't WASH curly hair. You don't cut it wet."
"Well, that's a choice."
She was looking at me like I was a moron, and I was looking at her in exactly the same way. But I have twenty years of being a scary motherfucker over her, so I went for the jugular.
"Yes. You can choose to cut it incorrectly, because you don't know any better, and were not trained to cut anything but straight white-girl hair, or, you can cut it correctly, and charge $120 for a cut, like the curly hair specialist."
With that she admitted that she didn't know how to cut it dry, so I said to wet it down, and I gave her super specific instructions. She did exactly what I told her to do, so I gave her twenty bucks even though the salon wasn't charging me for the cut.
It looks ok.
I prefer justified text, as long as it's properly hyphenated. I have on occasion decided not to buy certain print books because they have ragged-right text and/or are missing hyphenation. It's unprofessional. Learn how to use InDesign people, it's your freaking job.
THIS. All of it. H&Js aren't goddamn hard.