I ended up leaving earlier than normal, because this morning I didn't have it in me to fight for my standard second dose--the attending had made it feel like he was doing me a favour (orobably not his fault), and the marathon was gonna mess up my ride.
So I got home earlier than normal, in more pain than normal, but short cab ride, and not getting myself worked up talking again to a new doctor and explaining the nature of everything for him in even more detail.
But I've never had a doctor tell me in such bald, calm terms that she doesn't buy it, and that she's not going to give me anything effective, anything that I can't take at home. Well, why am I in the ER, then? Apparently the visits are too regular. I explained to her the "hanging on by the skin of my teeth" thing, and how this was what made it possible to work Monday, even if from home.
Too tidy, too convenient. I pointed out that I had been in more frequently--regularly in the past, and occasionally now, but that didn't shake her doggedness.
I kept asking her why she wanted to give me something she knew wouldn't work. "It's the same drug," she'd insist. Now, she was being deliberately idiotic. I told her that there was a difference, or they wouldn't let me take one at home and need me to take one here, so why did she want to have me put stuff that doesn't work into my system? Why not nothing?
Which was when she turned around and walked out of me mid-sentence, saying "Well,
not going to do it."
My god, ita. I hope the attending told her some things. Sorry you didn't get good care.
Ha HA! All dishes? Dealt with! (Dishwasher emptied and reloaded, hand washing done.) Floor? Vacuumed! I think a load of laundry will do it for chores today.
I'm going to ask all of my students to get a free account and then store/save work on turn in. No editing from me or anyone else, but just sharing a notebook.
This is a really interesting suggestion. I might think about this next term.
It's overcast, so Loki waited to start banging the blinds until 8. And I immediately stepped on the leash, previously located wadded up in a bowl downstairs, upon getting out of bed. Loki likes to be walked with it, Pumpkin likes to drag it around.
I'd hoped to be productive today. Turns out the other bra place I wanted to try has lady-of-leisure hours, so that's out for today.
My cats get up, race around and then fall asleep where they stop. They are not encouraging me.
Timelies all!
Nova is in my lap, as usual. Caught a glimpse of Luna as she headed for the basement. Silly creatures.
Oh my God, ita ! Even by the standards set by previous ER assholes, that is spectacularly awful. I seriously want to just hop in my car and drive down there and choke the shit out of that doctor.
I forgot to tell a story from last week! I was at Trader Joe's and I saw a big, jacked-looking dude. Ok-looking but not breathtaking or anything. I kept thinking,
how do I know this guy?
Given how built he is, and his even-bigger male friend, did I meet him at a party with my gay male friends? Also, WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE SHOES? He was wearing puffy silver hi-tops that looked like a vision of some hack producer trying to figure out what shoes would look like in 2100. And a striped tank top.
So I asked Bob Bob how I know this guy. Of course, he's in hollywood. I should have guessed. It was Tahmoh Penikett.