Well, initially, I had the "random reminders" thing set, which I didn't realize.
So I set up a list of daily recurring after completion tasks for stuff like my morning routine: clear off hotspots, put away dishes, stoke the fire. And then I set up lists for periodically recurring tasks like: cut paychecks, payroll liabilities, mop the floors. (tagged for work or home, whatever)Like, I needed to get the mail on Wednesdays so I could make the deposits on Thursdays. Lastly I had one-off tasks, stuff I intended to work on at a specific point in the future, either definite or indefinite. Check on tour schedule dates. Submit lyrics for critique. They may have a deadline or may not, but I want to choose to work on them and not forget.
But, especially with the random reminders thing, Astrid would ping me to do any of those tasks at times I wasn't expecting. So I would get reminders to do my evening routing in the morning. Or I would check off that I'd done payroll, and it would come up again, and I would think, oh, I forgot to check it off, and I would check it off again. Then it wouldn't come up for four weeks instead of two.
And if I got behind, there would just be this bank of Astrid reminders dominating the top line of my phone. So I would then ignore all of it. Counter-productive.
And then there was the huge data load that it was taking to sync. I think the new version's fixed that, so I'm going to try migrating back.
But I did move off the routine stuff to Evernote because it recurs, but it doesn't matter if I don't get it done. Like, if I don't clear off the table in the morning, it's fine, I'll do it tomorrow morning, and I don't want to be reminded about it throughout the day.
Three things would solve all my current problems with Astrid: 1. dependencies, 2. working hours, 3. Ability to dismiss a task until the next scheduled recurrence.
All that makes it sound like I'm unhappy with it, but I'm really not. I like it a lot.
Mini Australian Shepherds meet DUCKLINGS. This show is deadly.
No no no. Mustn't look. If I turn on the tv, I won't get up again.
How do their minds work, that they're so concerned with protecting embryos yet don't give a fuck about actual born-and-living humans?
I suspect it's more that they fear the tide is turning, and the time to ram in legislation is now, so those of us who believe in choice and women's access to basic reproductive health services will be hamstrung and it will take us decades to return to the rights we have now.
...the time to ram in legislation is now...
I get being anti-abortion. I understand wanting to make it as hard as possible for someone to get an abortion. I don't agree with it, but I get it. What I don't understand is wanting to pass a law that makes a woman who terminates a ball of cells without a brain or a heart into a murderer. I don't get why they want this kind of legislation at all. It's insane.
They don't want it to be hard to get an abortion, they want it to be illegal. Whole other vibe. They GOT hard to get right now, at least in wide swaths of the country.
The thing that absolute GALLS me the most is that the same group who is trying so hard to make abortions illegal is the SAME group who want to cut all funding for the poor and their children. They care about life ONLY before birth.
They don't want it to be hard to get an abortion, they want it to be illegal.
The thing that's become clear to me is that it isn't about abortion. It's about controlling women's sexuality and bodies. Hence all the slut shaming and attack on birth control.
The right does not want women to have sex and enjoy it. They want to punish women for having sex and desiring it.
Why else go after birth control?
I cannot figure out how to use evernote.
Where do you have a problem? Which platform are you using it on?
I admit, I have fallen away from my to do list. I am bad. Just keep putting shit off.
They don't want it to be hard to get an abortion, they want it to be illegal. Whole other vibe.
I realize that. That's why I said, while I get wanting it to be hard, I don't get wanting to destroy the lives of women who do it.
Agreeing with you, Hec, it isn't really about saving babies and stopping abortions. It's about controlling women. And I don't get it. WHY? Why do they not want women to have sex unless they're married and trying to have babies? They're not trying to stop men from having the fun sex; who do they plan on guys having the fun sex with, if they manage to get rid of the "sluts"? Other men? ooooh nooooo Women married to other men, I guess. There is no sense to this. That's why I can't understand it; there's just no place I can find a logical footing. Someone explain to me why they hate and fear women so much.