PEOPLE ON FB, THIS MAY BE UNNEEDED, but.... please do not trounce the lady who just posted on my Doonesbury link. Please.
I read her comment and rolled my eyes, only because -- there are always going to be situations like the one she described, even with the transvaginal ultrasound. But she her comment wasn't angry or inflammatory, IMO, so I wasn't planning to respond.
I almost said that I have friends that regret their marriages, their breast implants, and their choices in colleges - kinda part of life, the sometimes regretting decisions. Doesn't mean we take away choices for everyone.
Yeah. No one walks from peeing on a stick into the procedure room, so. Eh.
ION, I bought the bigger bag of Cadbury Mini-Eggs, which....was a mistake.
perhaps you can ask the MA legislature to ban large bags of candy.
I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF THAT. Jeez, why didn't the government help me????
I bought 5 boxes of radical lesbian feminazi cookies.
AND I FORGOT TO DO THAT, TOO! The Girl Scouts were out on the main drag, which was smart.
I bought 5 boxes of radical lesbian feminazi cookies.
Yum! Nothing screams liberal lover like do-si-dos!
I don't like gay cookies. I don't get the hype. You people are weird and twisted.
Anyone heard of this site: [link] ? Worth it? Suckering you in?
I have managed to nap today. I hope it's a more successful eating day than yesterday, but mostly I really hope I get that email from the vendor telling me to test, and that testing works successfully.
Yesterday I had talked myself into drawing a self portrait, but today I'm feeling way out of it. I can't be arsed to pose.
I've never seen that.
Do any of you use evernote?