Ah, here it is:
Meteorologist Masters: “The Climate Has Shifted to a New State Capable of Delivering Rare & Unprecedented Weather Events”
Jeff Masters: The natural weather rhythms I’ve grown used to during my 30 years as a meteorologist have become disrupted over the past few years. Many of Earth’s major atmospheric circulation patterns have seen significant shifts and unprecedented behavior; new patterns that were unknown have emerged; extreme weather events were incredibly intense and numerous during 2010 – 2011. The laws of physics demand that the huge amount of heat-trapping gases humans are pumping into the atmosphere must be significantly altering the fundamental large-scale circulation pattern of the atmosphere. Unprecedented behavior like we’ve witnessed in the configuration of the winter jet stream over North America–with the four most extreme years since 1865 occurring since 2006–could very well be due to human-caused climate change. Something is definitely up with the weather, and it is clear to me that over the past two years, the climate has shifted to a new state capable of delivering rare and unprecedented weather events. Human emissions of heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide are the most likely cause of such a shift in the climate.
Christine Shearer: Having really looked closely at the weather for a while now, is there something that stands out to you most?
Jeff Masters: The atmosphere I grew up with no longer exists. My new motto with regards to the weather is, “expect the unprecedented.”
As someone who's got 1/2 Irish lineage, I hate how St. Patrick's day is a yobbish drunkfest. At 8 AM there were already people on my bus heading downtown in moronic green hats to drink. Who drinks at 8 AM??
Yeah, I'm a little afraid I'm already too late to miss the drunks in my neighborhood. McGreevey's had a line outside at 6 last night. It is not a line-outside kind of place.
My sis and I are going for Indian or sushi for lunch, and I am staying the night at my friend's house (she lives in BFE, anyway.)
I avoid the crazy.
TBS is creating a "King of the Nerds" reality show [link]
My mother and sister cover themselves with "Kiss Me, I'm Irish," buttons and the like. I do not. I try not to drive on St. Patrick's, which in Atlanta has more arrests for drunk driving than any other day of the year.
The only thing I plan to do on St. Pats is make rice crispy treats with green marshmallows. But I have been out drinking by 10am before, at least once with a friend who is now in recovery.
I think I have figured out part of my fatigue, I am not getting deep sleep, I am dreaming non-stop.
I'm planning on making some corned unbeef with cabbage and colcannon. Possibly also soda bread. But mostly, I'm spending today reading the second Hunger Games book.
Me and the cats spent the past hour on the deck, chatting with my neighbor. And now I really have to clean.
Hil, sorry, but you mean the second and third.
So in Chicago, over the last 141 years there have only been 10 March days where the temperature reached 80 degrees. That's not counting this March. This March we've already had three days where it reached 80 degrees, and we'll probably have four more.
So, last 141 years? 10 days. This year? Seven more.
Record March warmth showing no sign of letting-up through Tuesday; there's been nothing like it here in over 141-years of weather observations
Saturday Silliness: Mobius bagel. Apparently you can take any whole bagel and turn it into a mobius strip. Bonus: room for more cream cheese. [link]