That's cool, Burrell!
Power is good. (Except when it corrupts, but that's only the absolute stuff, right? Should be fine.)
My neighborhood is very decoratey. It's cute. I was sad after Christmas, because no more lights. But then they put up Valentine's Day decorations, which not the same as lights, but something. Then St. Patrick's Day stuff went up. Next up, Easter. I decorate nothing, though. I'm that neighbor, I guess.
Hee. I'm watching a movie on Netflix (Insidious), and the husband just patted on some sort of product around his eyes before getting into bed as he was chatting with his wife. Go on with your skin-care using self, dude. Love it.
Thanks. I haven't done anything like this before, so it's making me a bit nervous.
Good for you, Burrell! You'll do great. She wouldn't have asked you if she didn't trust you with it and knew you could handle it. What a compliment!
So apparently, the SO & I enjoyed our knifeskills class, because this is what I'm thinking about getting him for his birthday. I realize the Japanese thing is you can't give people knives as gifts unless you wish them death (huh, suddenly realize why there was a weird silence on the phone with my mom just now when I told her what I was thinking of getting), but they're really nice, and it's a good price, especially if I can get all the goodies with.
That's so cool, Burrell! Your teacher must know you know your stuff. Also, of course you know how to teach already.
I just asked my boss if I could leave early! I'm very excited! So I can go by my house before my massage appointment, and then to my folks'. It just makes everything seem so much more manageable.
Liese, those are *nice* knives. I have a Wusthof santoku knife that I love, although I bought it at Target (and it was priced accordingly -- more for the casual cook, rather than those gorgeous ones you're looking at).
The superstition I grew up with was that it was bad luck to give someone a knife, but okay if he paid for it. If you were giving someone a knife, you asked him for a penny first.
Ginger, I grew up with a simlar superstition, except it was also acceptable to loan someone a knife for 99 years.
omg death by expense report. but done, done done done done!
so much for leaving at noon. now I have 3 hours of vaca time for tomorrow.