Apparently it was renewed pretty early on because of critical response. The last horse to die died during S2 filming, so the S2 renewal is facty factual.
Maybe next week, when my drawing doesn't suck so much (it took 4 heads, and I had to give up, because you couldn't see anything anymore, and the 4th head was too small), I will reveal a little more about the boundless depths of my knowledge.
You know what I don't do? Compose. I just draw the whole chick all the time. That's silly. Next week, I'm gonna compose and shit. It's gonna be FLY. And better for her boobies. They're fun to draw. Almost as fun as men-tummies.
I wonder if we'll ever get naked male models. I'd not mind drawing limp dicks.
Wayne Brady on Psych--I keep wanting for him to top his appearance on The Chappelle Show, but that's probably never gonna happen, eh?
The last horse to die died during S2 filming, so the S2 renewal is facty factual.
Oh, gotcha. I only watched the pilot, fwiw, and I was bored to tears.
You know what I don't do? Compose. I just draw the whole chick all the time.
I don't know what that means, but yay for next time?
Happy Ides of March, everyone!
Well, unless you're Caesar.
It's my poor mom's birthday. And *her* mom's birthday was April Fool's Day, which explains a lot.
so, I didn't know Blago was sentenced for 14 years in a federal prison! And he has to serve 85% of his term?
Did the judge think he was a Black man or something? Damn.
Happy Ides of March, everyone!
Today is my parents' 53rd anniversary. Not too shabby.
I didn't know Blago was sentenced for 14 years in a federal prison
OMG, the news this morning did a whole OJ and the white Bronco thing by following Blago's car to the airport. He flew out of O'Hare this morning to go to Denver where the prison is. Dear me. It was ridiculous.
They had a dude from the local news sitting in the row behind him on the plane. Totally ridic.
The first two horses died during filming of race sequences, don't know the details. The third horse was being led back to the barn when it reared and fell over backwards and hit its head and had to be euthanized.