If this were a boy being inappropriate there would be no question. Tell her she needs to escalate.
I'm also curious about how/why the student footnoted some posts with the exactly location/post, and others just with "buffistas.org". I mean, really.
Normally I would say don't bother with 2007, but...if she really is writing her dissertation on the stuff...
I don't know if I wrote a paper and found out I had a mistake like that, even 5 years later I think I'd want it pointed out.
Although I haven't written a dissertation so what do I know?
Also on the IRC Chat room where I met Dan and Andi there was someone who did not like Angel the Series. She'd watch and then she wouldn't like it but she'd keep watching. And I finally asked her why and she said she was a "completist" (or something like that). She started watching it and she was going to watch it to the end (either because she'd started watching it or because it was an extension of Buffy).
I think she's the same person who told me not only did she not cook, she didn't touch food. Even something like a sandwich - she'd take a paper towel or napkin and wrap it around the sandwich (without touching the sandwich) and then eat the sandwich.
Unless she's using an artificial mouth and digestive system, she's touching food.
I think you should email her, Allyson. If she is getting a graduate degree studying Joss Whedon, she will probably appreciate it.
I think ita_!'s sister should STOP emailing and report it.
Admittedly, I have been watching too many Lifetime Movies lately, but please have your sister report it.
I don't know if I wrote a paper and found out I had a mistake like that, even 5 years later I think I'd want it pointed out.
How old is this paper? If she's graduated, barn door....horse. I wouldn't want to be corrected on an old college paper, honestly.
If she is getting a graduate degree studying Joss Whedon, she will probably appreciate it.
I was going to say the same thing - if she's going to be producing more papers on the same topic, she would probably appreciate getting the facts straight.
I don't see it as much as correcting the old paper, but providing clarification if she is making similar references in her disertation.
That's what I think, too. If she is still writing papers and doing work on fandom stuff, it's probably ok to send a correct citation, acknowledging that the paper is old, but if she's going to mine old work for new projects, might as well fix it up.
I want credit! And residuals!