Orgasm during birth sounds possible if you consider all the nerves down around there getting overstimulated and misfiring.
I was highly amused by a YouTube clip showing a baby elephant trying to figure how to use her trunk, quite like a human baby trying to learn how to pick things up with her fingers.
Following that up: learning to walk is hard.
I'd probably be mildly envious of the women who actually manage to acheive orgasm during childbirth
the things I learn from you people.
Orgasmic childbirth.
I have no doubt that it's physically possible, but the idea that giving birth only hurts because American women aren't close enough to the earth or whatever makes me roll my eyes and want to stab things.
What Jessica said.
I have almost convinced myself to buy a "pack" of electronic cigarettes.
"When the baby's coming down the birth canal, remember, it's going through the exact same positions as something going in, the penis going into the vagina, to cause an orgasm,"
What is the percentage of women who experience orgasms without clitoral stimulation, again?
What is the percentage of women who experience orgasms without clitoral stimulation, again?
I think the more relevant question is, how does one become a board-certified OB-GYN without ever having seen a penis? (Just my lay opinion, but: penises and baby heads, not the same size or shape!)
I don't know what penises you've been looking at, Jessica!
Okay--definition of scientist--does it include a) anthropologists b) archaeologists c) lingusts?
I read the linky and saw there were bunches of lengthy comments. Jumping to the concise comment I found something I could agree with...
I had a baby. It hurt like hell.
I suppose this is what I deserve since I popped in here to distract myself from all the work I am supposed to be doing. Doing work, considering orgasmic childbirth, doing work, maybe I should give that work thing another try.